Order Flow
Regardless of whether you use a Popup or Web Storefront, customers experience the following order of events at checkout.
Configure a Checkout Experience
After a customer selects a product from your website, you can customize how they access their cart, and proceed to checkout. Their experience will vary depending on the type of checkout experience you configure, and the currency and localization settings for your store.
Web Storefronts:
- Create a web storefront.
- Customize your web storefront.
- Select products to display on your homepage.
Popup Storefronts:
- Create and customize your popup storefront.
- Popup storefront shopping cart
- Adding a Popup Storefront to Your Website
The customer will apply contact and payment information to the checkout session. This information varies depending on your accepted payment methods, the customer location, and the associated language and currency.
FastSpring’s 1ClickPay feature reduces purchase friction by verifying the known customers (who have previously purchased from your store and saved payment methods on file) and serving up their saved payment information so they can make a purchase in a single click. By removing the friction of adding card information, sellers can see an increase in both conversion rates and revenue.
By default 1ClickPay is enabled for all of your store, to offer 1ClickPay to your customers refer to the 1ClickPay documentation
Initiate a Checkout Session
You can also initiate a checkout session on behalf of your customers. Use any resources below to configure order information.
- Link your products to your website and customer-facing communication.
- Pass a secure request, or pass and capture custom order attributes .
- Apply customer information to a checkout session
- Initiate a checkout session for a Web Storefront or Popup Storefront. For Popup Storefronts, use the Store Builder Library to initiate a checkout session.
FastSpring Processes the Payment
After the customer successfully submits payment information, FastSpring follows the steps below to validate the payment and provide applicable fulfillments.
- FastSpring analyzes the transaction detailsfor potential fraud and risk factors
- If the order fails risk check, FastSpring cancels the order and will notify you using the order.failed webhook
- If the order passes the risk check, FastSpring will process the payment
- FastSpring sends the customer the configured fulfillments for each of their products
- This order displays as completed in the Orders page of the app
Underpaid Wire Transfers
Due to bank fees or charges, FastSpring might receive wire transfer payment short of the order total. If a wire transfer wire is underpaid by 2% and $20USD, FastSpring will automatically complete the order.
This threshold is the default minimum, and cannot be lowered. You can raise either the percentage or the amount of the threshold by contacting FastSpring Support.
The Customer Receives their Fulfillment
After FastSpring successfully processes the payment, FastSpring sends them the configured fulfillmentsfor each product in the order. Customers typically receive their fulfillment via email, however they can also access it from the Account Management portal. For unsuccessful fulfillments, FastSpring sends the fulfillment.failed webhook.
Completed Orders
You can access completed order information from the Orders page of the FastSpring App. FastSpring will send the order.completed webhook to notify you after a successful order.
Updated over 1 year ago