FastSpring Seller Support Handbook

This handbook outlines the FastSpring Support Policy and is a guide to using FastSpring Support. We reserve the right to change these policies to stay aligned with our goal of offering an outstanding support experience.

Contacting FastSpring Support

For your convenience we provide the ability to open support cases directly through our portal: 

Portal Community

Alternatively, you can open a support case via email:

It is important that you contact us through these channels so that we can ensure you receive timely and effective assistance.

Standard Operating Hours

FastSpring Office Hours are Monday through Friday: 9:00AM – 5:00 PM Pacific Time.  

Customer Support is available 24/7. 

Standard Support and Maintenance

FastSpring shall provide the following support services as appropriate to address your issues:

  • A customer support representative to answer your help desk questions regarding FastSpring software
  • Assistance with errors related to product releases
  • Help identifying and isolating the source of errors or failures, to the extent practicable
  • FastSpring’s published product documentation
  • Payout questions
  • Support for your customer’s checkout and purchasing issues, Tax or VAT/GST, and subscription services controlled by FastSpring

Opening a Seller Support Case

When requesting assistance and to ensure a timely response, please provide the following upon opening a seller support case:

  • Subject of the issue
  • Description of the issue:
    • The steps taken to replicate and reproduce the issue or the error
  • Attachments including:
    • Screenshot(s) or screencast(s) of the error messages/error text
    • Supporting documentation for a specific configuration or a business process that is not working properly per specification

Once a ticket is open, please provide responses by replying to the email.

In the course of providing a resolution, we may ask to set up a mutually convenient conference call and/or a live meeting to better understand the issue or to walk you through addressing the problem.

Opening a Consumer Support Case

When requesting assistance and to ensure a timely response, please provide the following upon opening a consumer support case:

  • Subject of the issue
  • Order or invoice number
  • Company or Billing Descriptor on the receipt or invoice
    • FastSpring is displayed on the receipt/invoice or combined with the company from whom you made the purchase
    • Examples: FastSpring; FSPRG; FS*; FSPRG*<company name from purchase>
  • Description of the issue:
    • The steps taken to replicate and reproduce the issue or the error
  • Attachments including:
    • Screenshot(s) or screencast(s) of the error messages/error text
    • Supporting documentation for a specific configuration or a business process that is not working properly per specification

Once a ticket is open, please provide responses by replying to the email.

In the course of providing a resolution, we may ask to set up a mutually convenient conference call and/or live meeting to better understand the issue or walk you through addressing the problem.

Severity Levels and Response Time

Based on the subject and description we will determine the severity level/priority

Severity levels are determined by meeting a certain number of Qualifications.

Severity Levels

Severity LevelRequired Qualifications
Severity Level 0 – HighestA highest priority issue must pose a severe and immediate threat to our seller’s ability to conduct expected normal business operations.Must meet four qualification areas
Severity Level 1 – HighThe issue is related to a problem in a critical function area.Must meet three qualification areas
Severity Level 2 – MediumMeet at least one qualification– Not a complete blocker to normal customer business operations– Have an acceptable workaround or short term solution– Revenue impact caused by FastSpring platform Examples: Rebill miscalculation, double billing, tax errors, order errors, payment failures
Severity Level 3 – LowA low priority is assigned to all other issues– Not blocking any business– Narrow use case or not affecting a lot of users– No immediate revenue impact caused by the FastSpring platform


There are 4 Qualification areas to determine the severity level of an issue.

  • Severity
  • Breadth
  • Urgency
  • Visibility


Issue affects a critical platform function area, listed below:

Severity TypeExamples
Transactions– Math incorrect (buyer/seller)– Not going through– Incomplete order(revenue implications)– Tax/VAT issue– Incorrect display of total transaction amount– Store Builder Library blocking the completion of transactions– Inability to access payment records (invoice/receipt)
Subscriptions– Rebills not going through– Double rebills– Double taxes– Zero taxes assessed on applicable transactions– Prorations– Incorrect billing charged– Subscription in unexpected state– Cancellation issues– Payment issues
WebHooks– Not firing– Delayed– Inconsistent– Missing keys/values/payload
API– Timeouts– Unexpected format changes– Missing keys/values/payload– Loss of functionality
Fulfillments– Not firing– Firing incorrectly– Not displayed in buyer facing messaging
Payouts– Seller not receiving payout– Adjustments needed before next payout– Payout is not the expected amount
B2B– Portal registration for high value orders to complete
Accounts– Contact rate changes– Account ownership disputes– Split pay setup


  • Number of Sellers
  • Impacted revenue amount
  • Number of individual transactions
  • Number of subscription instances
  • Functionality used by 75% of sellers


  • Effects are ongoing, currently happening
  • No acceptable workaround for the problem exists
  • Likely to lead to a significant customer satisfaction drop, loss of confidence, customer churn
  • Time dependency


  • Affecting multiple live stores

Response Time Targets

FastSpring Support make every attempt to meet stated targets.  There are time that Support does not have any control over dependencies and may miss the stated targets.

Service Level PrioritySeverityInitial Response TargetUpdate Period Targets
0Highest1 HourUpdates will be provided a minimum of twice a day or when there is new information
1High4 Hours1 time per business day until resolution or workaround is identified
2Medium12 HoursAt least once every 5 business days or once there is a resolution
3Low24 HoursAt least once every 20 business days or once there is a resolution

Case Status Check

The status of a case may be viewed directly through the portal or by contacting Support.

Case Status

Case StatusDescription
NewA brand new case in the queue.
OpenA case assigned to an agent but has not yet begun to work on it.
WorkingAgent will select this status as they are working on the case. Agent is troubleshooting or investigating the reported issue.
Pending InternalPending information is needed from expertise outside of the support area.
Pending ClosureThe case is perceived as completed and will auto-close within 5 days if there is no additional communication received.
On Hold– Customer requested the case to remain open– Agent is waiting on information from an internal source
ClosedOnce resolved, the case is automatically assigned to the closed status.NOTE: Once a case is closed it cannot be reopened.

Support Case Priorities

Cases are prioritized and escalated based on the severity of the issue as well as its overall impact, feasibility of a workaround, and the effort required for resolution. It is important to us to balance our available resources, and case prioritization is the key to allowing us to provide the most impact possible across the client base.

If you feel the need to raise the priority of a case or if you are not satisfied with the course of action taken to address your issue, please inform your Support Agent so that they can take appropriate steps to meet your expectations. 

Customer Feedback

Our commitment and goal is to achieve 100% satisfaction from our clients, and we appreciate any comments, constructive criticisms, or suggestions regarding our department. We believe that communication is a key factor in helping us to improve our processes, and welcome feedback from each of our clients.

At the end of every case, we conduct surveys to measure our performance for that case’s client satisfaction. We encourage you to participate in these surveys so that we are able to make improvements to provide a better service to you and the FastSpring user community. We typically address the following topics:

  • The overall quality of Technical Support services
  • Timeliness and accuracy of service
  • Friendliness and professionalism of Technical Support staff