Data Exports

You can export data from your store that is not available in Orders, Subscriptions, and Events pages.

Export Data

  1. Navigate to Reports > Data Exports.
  2. Click Create Data Export. The configuration page opens.
  3. Enter a Name for the export. This will appear in the list of historical exports.
  4. In the Date and Number Formatting drop-down, select a region. FastSpring will use this to apply the appropriate number and date formatting.
  5. In the Site field, select the store that you want to export data from.
  6. In the Date Range drop downs, specify the time frame from which you would like to export data. The available exports will vary based on the selected date range.
    • If you have previously created data exports, FastSpring will display those in the Order Reports – Custom (CSV) and Order Reports – Custom (Text) sections.
  7. Click Create. FastSpring will display the list of available data exports with a message that your export is processing.

After you export the data, you can download, preview, or permanently delete it from the Actions column. Hover over the i icon to the right of each description to see the creator and creation date. 

Customize Your Data Export

Use the New CSV Templateor the New Text Template to create a customized data export. This gives you more control over the fields and columns that appear in the export. 

  1. Create a new data export.
  2. In the Report Type field, select New CSV Template or New Text Template. Additional fields appear.
  3. If you selected New CSV Template, add a column heading for each data point you want to include in the export to the Custom Report CSV Columns field. Separate each heading by commas.
    • Example: Reference,Date,Amount,Amount(USD)
  4. In the Custom Report Template field, specify the object name of each data point to include in the export, separated by commas.
    • Click order below the text area to access a list of available order attributes.
    • Example: #{},#{order.createdDate},#{order.subTotal},#{order.subTotalUSD}
  5. Click Create.

Calculating Chargeback Percentage

Per industry standards, your chargeback percentage should be below 0.5%. To calculate your chargeback percentage, create an order-item export report.

  1. Login to company
  2. Go to reports section
  3. Click on Create Data Export
  4. Select Order Item Export and give a time range thats needed.

That report will include order details about:

  • Purchases
  • Returns
  • Return-Disputes

Chargebacks that have completed in our system will appear as Return-Dispute. Use the following formula to calculate your chargeback percentage for any given period of time:

Chargeback percentage = (Total Number of Return-Dispute)/(Total Number of Purchase)

For example, 20 Return-Disputes out of 1,000 orders is a chargeback percentage of 2%. (0.02 = 20/1,000)

Available Parameters

Click on the drop-downs below to view all available parameters.

Order Items

accountUrl:# {order.accountUrl}URL of the customer account associated with the order. 
activeReview:# {order.activeReview}True if the order is under review. 
address:# {order.address.___}Customer address associated with the order. 
  address1# {order.address.address1}First line of the customer address. 
  address2# {order.address.address2}Second line of the customer address. 
  city# {}City. 
  country# {}Country. 
  countryDisplay# {order.address.countryDisplay}Country formatted for display. 
  postalCode# {order.address.postalCode}Postal code.
  region# {order.address.region}State (for US addresses).
  regionDisplay# {order.address.regionDisplay}State (for US addresses) formatted for display. 
allItems  #{orderItem.___}All order items. 
allProductNames  #{value}All product names. 
baseItems  #{orderItem.___}Base order items. 
baseProductNames  #{value}Product names of base items associated with the order. 
billDescriptor# {order.billDescriptor}Bill descriptor for the order. 
coupons  #{value}All coupons used for the order.
created# {order.created}#{order.createdDate}Order creation date.Note: #{order.created} may cause issues when creating a custom .csv export, due to a comma in that field. If using a .csv export, use a this new variable: #{order.createdDate} Example: this variable returns the date as 1/1/23 12:01 PM instead of January 1, 2023 12:01 PM
currency# {order.currency}ISO code of the currency associated with the order. 
customList# {order.customList}Custom list associated with the order. 
customTagsList# {order.customTagsList}List of order level custom tags/attributes. key=value comma separated
customer# {order.customer.___}Customer contact information. 
customerReference# {order.customerReference}#{order.reference}Order reference number. 
discountTotal# {order.discountTotal}Total of discounts applied, if any. 
discountTotalUSD# {order.discountTotalUSD}USD total of discounts applied, if any.
due# {order.due}Payment due date. 
hasActiveReview# {order.hasActiveReview}This is true if the order is in the review status. 
hasCustomTagsJson# {order.hasCustomTagsJson}This is true if the order contains custom JSON tags. 
hasEmailFulfillment# {order.hasEmailFulfillment}This is true if you configure an email fulfillment for one or more products in the order. 
hasPayPalPayment# {order.hasPayPalPayment}This is true if the customer paid with PayPal.
hasSource# {order.hasSource}This is trueif source information is available.
hasSurveyFields# {order.hasSurveyFields}This is true if the order has survey fields.
hasTax# {order.hasTax}This is true if FastSpring charged tax to the order. 
hasUSTax# {order.hasUSTax}This is true if FastSpring applied US sales tax to the order. 
hasVAT# {order.hasVAT}This is true if FastSpring applied VAT to the order. 
httpReferrer# {order.httpReferrer}HTTP referrer associated with the order. 
Id# {}Order ID number. 
isEmbedded:# {order.isEmbedded}This is true if the order is embedded. 
isFree# {order.isFree}This is true if the customer does not owe any money for the order. 
isGift# {order.isGift}This is true for gift purchases. 
isProcessing# {order.isProcessing} This is true if the order is pending.
isRebill# {order.isRebill}This is true for subscription rebills. 
isReturned# {order.isReturned} This is true if the customer received the return. 
isTest# {order.isTest}This is true for test orders.
language# {order.language}ISO code of the order language.
notify# {order.notify.___} Customer contact information. 
offerNames#{value}Names of all product offers associated with the order.
originIp# {order.originIp}IP address associated with the order. 
payments  #{payment.___}Successful payments within the order
purchaserAddress# {order.purchaserAddress.___}Customer’s physical address.
purchaserContact# {order.purchaserContact.___}Customer’s contact information
referrer# {order.referrer}Referrer that originated the order.
shippingTotal# {order.shippingTotal}Total shipping fees applied to the order. 
shippingTotalUSD# {order.shippingTotalUSD}USD total of shipping fees applied to the order.
siteDisplay# {order.siteDisplay}Display name of the site that the order originated from.
siteMainUrl# {order.siteMainUrl}Landing page URL of the website associated with the order. 
siteName# {order.siteName}Website name associated with the order. 
siteSupportEmail# {order.siteSupportEmail}Email address of the support team associated with the order. 
sourceCampaign# {order.sourceCampaign}Order source campaign.
sourceKey# {order.sourceKey}Order source key. 
sourceName# {order.sourceName}Order source name. 
status# {order.status}Status of the order. 
statusChange# {order.statusChange}Date and time that the status last changed. If the status is completed, then this is the date / time of completion.
subTotal# {order.subTotal}Order subtotal. 
subTotalUSD# {order.subTotalUSD}Order subtotal, in USD.
surveyFieldValues# {order.surveyFieldValues.___}Survey field values mapped by the name / key provided.
surveyFields#{surveyField.___}Survey fields associated with the order
tagNameString# {order.tagNameString}String version of tag names.
tagString# {order.tagString}String version of tag names and tag values.
tags# {order.tags.___}Mapping of tag names to tag values.
tax# {}US sales tax, EU VAT tax, or Japanese Consumption Tax.
taxUSD# {order.taxUSD} USD value of the US sales tax, VAT, or Japanese Consumption Tax. 
total# {}Order total. 
totalUSD# {order.totalUSD}Order total, in USD. 
type# {order.type}Type of order. 
url# {order.url.___}URL of the order. 
visibleItems#{orderItem.___}all order items visible to the consumer

Subscription Variables

accountUrl# {subscription.accountUrl}URL of the customer account.
attributes# {subscription.attributes}Subscription attributes
beginDate# {subscription.beginDate}First full day the subscription is considered active.
coupon# {} Coupon code currently assigned to the subscription.
customer# {subscription.customer.___} Customer contact information.
display# {subscription.display} Customer-facing display name of the subscription.
endDate# {subscription.endDate} Subscription expiration date. After this day, FastSpring will cancel the subscription. This only applies to subscriptions with a fixed number of rebills, or if someone cancels it. 
hasPaymentMethod# {subscription.hasPaymentMethod} This is true if the subscription has an associated payment method. 
hasSource# {subscription.hasSource}This is true if source information is available.
isTest# {subscription.isTest} This is true for test subscription orders. 
nextDunningStep# {subscription.nextDunningStep}The next billing. 
nextDunningStepDate# {subscription.nextDunningStepDate}Date of the next billing. 
nextPeriodDate# {subscription.nextPeriodDate}Date of the next rebill period. 
notify# {subscription.notify.___}Customer contact information.
paymentExpiresBeforeRenewalDate# {subscription.paymentExpiresBeforeRenewalDate}True if the payment method expires before the next rebill. 
paymentMethodExpirationDate# {subscription.paymentMethodExpirationDate}Expiration date of the payment method associated with the subscription. 
productDisplay# {subscription.productDisplay}Display name of the product associated with the subscriptions.
productName# {subscription.productName} Subscription’s product name. 
productPath# {subscription.productPath}; Subscription’s product path.
quantity# {subscription.quantity}Quantity of the subscription in the order. 
reference# {subscription.reference}Unique API reference key.
referrer# {subscription.referrer}Custom referrer / identifier associated with the subscription.
siteName# {subscription.siteName}Name of the website associated with the subscription. 
sourceCampaign# {subscription.sourceCampaign}
sourceKey# {subscription.sourceKey}Source key associated with the subscription.
sourceName# {subscription.sourceName}Source name of the subscription. 
status# {subscription.status}Current status of the subscription
statusReason# {subscription.statusReason}Current reason for the subscription status, if any. 
successfulPeriodCount# {subscription.successfulPeriodCount}Number of successful rebills. 
tagNameString# {subscription.tagNameString}String version of tag names.
tagString# {subscription.tagString};String version of tag names and tag values. 
tags# {subscription.tags.___}Mapping of tag names to tag values.
terms# {subscription.terms}Terms of the subscription. 
totalPrice# {subscription.totalPrice}Total rebill amount. 
url# {subscription.url.___}URL of the subscription.

Return Variables

address# {return.address.___}Address associated with the return. 
allItems  #{returnItem.___}All items included in the return. 
allProductNames  #{value}Names of all products in the return.  
baseItems  #{returnItem.___}Products included in the return. 
baseProductNames#{value}Names of the base products in the return.
created# {return.created}Date and time that someone created the return. 
currency# {return.currency}ISO code of the associated currency. 
customer# {return.customer.___}Customer contact information.
discountTotal# {return.discountTotal}Total of discounts. 
discountTotalUSD# {return.discountTotalUSD}Total of discounts applied, in USD. 
hasReview# {return.hasReview}
hasTax# {return.hasTax}True if FastSpring applied tax to the order. 
hasUSTax# {return.hasUSTax}True if FastSpring applied US sales tax to the order. 
hasVAT# {return.hasVAT}True if FastSpring applied VAT to the order. 
id# {}ID of the return. 
isProcessing# {return.isProcessing}True if the order is pending. 
isTest# {return.isTest}True for test orders. 
notify# {return.notify.___}Customer’s contact information. 
original# {return.original.___}Original order. 
purchaserAddress# {return.purchaserAddress.___}Customer’s address. 
purchaserContact# {return.purchaserContact.___}Customer contact information. 
reasonText# {return.reasonText}Reason for the return. 
review# {}Review status of the return. 
shippingTotal# {return.shippingTotal}Shipping charges applied to the order. 
shippingTotalUSD# {return.shippingTotalUSD}Shipping charges, in USD. 
siteDisplay# {return.siteDisplay}Customer-facing display name of the website where the order originated. 
siteMainUrl# {return.siteMainUrl}URL of the website where the order originated. 
siteName# {return.siteName}Name of the website where the order originated. 
siteSupportEmail# {return.siteSupportEmail}Support email address associated with the return. 
status# {return.status}Status of the return.
statusChange# {return.statusChange}Date / time that the status last changed. If the status is completed, then this is the date / time of completion.
subTotal# {return.subTotal}Subtotal
subTotalUSD# {return.subTotalUSD}Subtotal, in USD.
tax# {}US sales tax, EU VAT tax, or Japanese Consumption Tax.
taxUSD# {return.taxUSD}USD value of the US sales tax, VAT, or Japanese Consumption Tax. 
total# {}Total return amount. 
totalUSD# {return.totalUSD}Total return amount, in USD. 
type# {return.type}Type of return.