Renewal Invoicing

Generate and process renewal invoices to update subscription renewal dates and apply proration adjustments.


Limited Feature Availability: Renewal Invoice Beta

The renewal invoice feature is currently in beta and not yet generally available. We are rolling it out gradually. At this stage, only Use Case 1 (subscriptions with no changes) is available to a limited group of users.

Future updates will expand functionality to include Use Case 2 (for subscriptions with changes effective at the upcoming renewal) and Use Case 3 (for subscriptions with changes effective immediately).


The renewal invoice feature streamlines the management of subscription renewals. It enables you to generate invoices for manual subscriptions, apply mid-cycle proration adjustments, and process payments directly. In addition, you can send invoices via email, download them for record-keeping, and automatically update the subscription's renewal date once payment is completed.

Step 1: Locate the subscription

In the FastSpring app, navigate to Sales > Subscriptions and select the subscription you wish to manage. The Subscriptions Overview page will open and display all relevant subscription details.

Subscription Overview Screenshot

Step 2: Generate renewal invoice

On the Subscriptions Overview page, review the current billing period, next renewal date, and renewal amount.

For manual subscriptions, click the Generate Renewal Invoice link to open a new browser tab displaying the RENEWAL INVOICE page.

Generate Renewal Invoice Screenshot

Step 3: Review invoice options

On the RENEWAL INVOICE page, you can manage your invoice using the following options:

  1. Send Link via Email: Opens your default email client with the invoice link automatically included.
  2. Download: Saves a copy of the invoice to your device (typically in your Downloads folder) for manual sharing.
  3. + PO Number: Allows you to add or edit the invoice name for better organization.
  4. Accept & Pay Now (Required): Opens the checkout modal. You must select this option to proceed to Step 4, where you'll submit your payment details.
Invoice Options Screenshot

Step 4: Submit payment details

Within the checkout modal, select your preferred payment method and fill in the required details. Click Pay to complete the transaction.

Submit Payment Details Screenshot

Step 5: Confirmation

After submitting your payment, a confirmation message will indicate that the renewal invoice process has been successfully completed.

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