Return or Refund an Order


FastSpring sends the return.created server webhook each time you issue a refund or return an order.


FastSpring does not send the return.created webhook for tax refunds.

Contents of Event Payload

returnstringInternal return ID.
referencestringCustomer-facing refund reference.
completedbooleanTrue if the refund has been processed successfully.
False if the return has not been processed, or was unsuccessful.
changedintegerDate of the most recent update to the refund, in milliseconds.
changedValueintegerDate of the most recent update to the refund, in milliseconds.(backward compatibility)
changedInSecondsintegerDate of the most recent update to the refund, in seconds.
changedDisplaystringDate of the most recent update to the refund. The display is formatted based on the language of the original order.
livebooleanTrue indicates a live order. False indicates a test order.
FastSpring-generated customer account ID (expansion disabled)
If you have enabled webhook expansion, see Account for expanded contents.
currencystring3 character ISO code of the order currency. The return currency is the same.
payoutCurrencystring3 character ISO code of your disbursement currency.
totalReturnnumberTotal return amount in the original transaction's currency.
totalReturnDisplaystringTotal return amount. This is formatted to display based on the original transaction's currency.
totalReturnInPayoutCurrencynumberTotal returned amount in the currency of your FastSpring disbursements.
totalReturnInPayoutCurrencyDisplaystringTotal return amount. This is formatted to display based on the currency of your FastSpring disbursements.
taxnumberTax amount returned, in the original transaction's currency
taxDisplaystringTax amount returned. This is formatted to display based on the original transaction's currency.
taxInPayoutCurrencynumberTax amount returned, in the currency of your FastSpring disbursements.
taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplaystringTax amount returned. This is formatted to display based on the currency of your FastSpring disbursements.
subtotalnumberSubtotal of the return (excludes tax), in the original transaction's currency.
subtotalDisplaystringSubtotal of the return (excludes tax). This is formatted to display based in original transaction's currency.
subtotalInPayoutCurrencynumberSubtotal of the return in your FastSpring disbursement currency.
subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplaystringSubtotal of the return. This is formatted to display in your FastSpring disbursement currency.
totalRefundInPayoutCurrencynumberTotal return amount in your FastSpring disbursement currency. (backward compatibility)
paymentobjectThe original order's payment information.
   typestringPayment method of the original order: paypal, amazon, creditcard, test, bank, purchase-order, free.
   creditcardstringType of credit or debit card used for the order: visa, mastercard, amex, discover, jcb, carteblanche, dinersclub, unionpay.
   cardEndingstringLast four digits of the credit or debit card number used for the order.
   bankstringType of bank transfer used to pay for the order: wire, brazilwire, ideal, ecard, sepa.
reasonstringReason type selected for the return. You select this when you process the return.
notestringAdditional information about the return. You add a note when you process the return.
typestringType of return processed: CHARGEBACK, PAYMENTRISK, PAYPAL, RETURN.
originalobjectDetails of the order session that is returned.
   idstringInternal ID of the order that is returned.
   orderstringInternal ID of the order that is returned. (backward compatibility)
   referencestringCustomer-facing reference number of the order that is returned.
   accountstringFastSpring-generated customer account ID associated with the original order (always matches the account/
   currencystring3 character ISO code of the order currency.
   payoutCurrencystring3 character ISO code of your FastSpring disbursement currency.
   totalnumberTotal amount of the order. This displays in the order's currency.
   totalDisplaystringTotal amount of the order. This is formatted to display in the order's currency.
   totalInPayoutCurrencynumberTotal amount of the order. This displays in the your disbursement currency.
   totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplaystringTotal amount of the order. This is formatted to display in your disbursement currency.
   taxnumberTax amount. This displays in the order's currency.
   taxDisplaystringTax amount. This is formatted to display in the order's currency.
   taxInPayoutCurrencynumberTax amount. This displays in your disbursement currency.
   taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplaystringTax amount. This is formatted to display in your disbursement currency.
   subtotalnumberOrder subtotal, in the original currency.
   subtotalDisplaystringOrder subtotal. This is formatted to display in the original currency
   subtotalInPayoutCurrencynumberOrder subtotal. This is formatted to display in your disbursement currency.
   subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplaystringOrder subtotal. This is formatted to display in your disbursement currency.
notesarrayNotes from the original order. This consists of one JSON object per note with two strings per object (note and creator).
subscriptionsarraySubscription ID strings, if any.
customerobjectCustomer information from the order record.
   firststringCustomer's first name.
   laststringCustomer's last name.
   emailstringCustomer's email address.
   companystringCustomer's associated company name
   phonestringCustomer's phone number
itemsarrayReturned product information. For the full reference, see Item Contents.
couponsarrayCoupon ID applied to the order, if any.
withholdingsobjectInformation regarding tax withholdings for the product or order.
   withholdingsbooleanTrue: Proceeds are subject to tax withholdings.
False: Proceeds are not subject to tax withholdings.
   currencystring3 character ISO code of the payout currency.
    amountnumberAmount that FastSpring will withhold.
    percentagenumberWithholding percentage provided on Form W-8.
quotestringInternal quote ID associated with the order, if any.


Webhook Expansion Disabled

   "reason":"Other Reason",
   "note":"Mac OS 10.5 not supported",
            "note":"This customer likes chicken.",
         "display":"Example Product 3",
    "withholdings": {
        "amount": 1.5,
        "amountDisplay": "$1.50",
        "amountInPayoutCurrency": 1.5,
        "amountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.50",
        "percentage": 30,
        "taxWithholdings": true

Webhook Expansion Enabled

  "return": "RDBBdJJ6SKeFCLQJ5I8-HA",
  "quote": null,
  "reference": "NETPTST220208-5750-95147X",
  "completed": true,
  "changed": 1644335370308,
  "changedValue": 1644335370308,
  "changedInSeconds": 1644335370,
  "changedDisplay": "2/8/22",
  "live": true,
  "account": {
    "id": "TPNEIapGQG61VxtYf7CD-A",
    "account": "TPNEIapGQG61VxtYf7CD-A",
    "contact": {
      "first": "Jean",
      "last": "Sanity",
      "email": "",
      "company": null,
      "phone": "5553065282",
      "subscribed": true
    "address": {
      "address line 1": "Penny Lane",
      "address line 2": null,
      "city": "New York",
      "company": "US",
      "postal code": "10002",
      "region": "US-NY",
      "region custom": null
    "language": "en",
    "country": "US",
    "lookup": {
      "global": "IpcFhl6NQdKf2K_IgIBoCg"
    "url": ""
  "currency": "USD",
  "payoutCurrency": "USD",
  "totalReturn": 5.44,
  "totalReturnDisplay": "$5.44",
  "totalReturnInPayoutCurrency": 5.44,
  "totalReturnInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$5.44",
  "tax": 0.44,
  "taxDisplay": "$0.44",
  "taxInPayoutCurrency": 0.44,
  "taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.44",
  "subtotal": 5,
  "subtotalDisplay": "$5.00",
  "subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 5,
  "subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$5.00",
  "totalRefundInPayoutCurrency": 5.44,
  "payment": {
    "type": "creditcard",
    "creditcard": "visa",
    "cardEnding": "0008"
  "reason": "Other Reason",
  "note": "Sanity Testing",
  "type": "RETURN",
  "original": {
    "id": "LkHcB_p5Sgm4vludPw38cA",
    "order": "LkHcB_p5Sgm4vludPw38cA",
    "reference": "NETPTST220208-7422-62174",
    "account": "TPNEIapGQG61VxtYf7CD-A",
    "currency": "USD",
    "payoutCurrency": "USD",
    "total": 108.88,
    "totalDisplay": "$108.88",
    "totalInPayoutCurrency": 108.88,
    "totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$108.88",
    "tax": 8.88,
    "taxDisplay": "$8.88",
    "taxInPayoutCurrency": 8.88,
    "taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$8.88",
    "subtotal": 100,
    "subtotalDisplay": "$100.00",
    "subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 100,
    "subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$100.00",
    "notes": [],
    "subscriptions": [
  "customer": {
    "first": "Jean",
    "last": "Sanity",
    "email": "",
    "company": null,
    "phone": "5553065282",
    "subscribed": true
  "items": [
      "product": "jean-grey",
      "quantity": 0,
      "display": "Jean Grey",
      "sku": null,
      "subtotal": 5,
      "subtotalDisplay": "$5.00",
      "subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 5,
      "subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$5.00",
      "subscription": {
        "id": "uyQCW120SRi6t7QoDzrSRg",
        "quote": null,
        "subscription": "uyQCW120SRi6t7QoDzrSRg",
        "active": true,
        "state": "active",
        "changed": 1644332494781,
        "changedValue": 1644332494781,
        "changedInSeconds": 1644332494,
        "changedDisplay": "2/8/22",
        "live": true,
        "currency": "USD",
        "account": "TPNEIapGQG61VxtYf7CD-A",
        "product": "jean-grey",
        "sku": null,
        "display": "Jean Grey",
        "quantity": 3,
        "adhoc": false,
        "autoRenew": true,
        "price": 100,
        "priceDisplay": "$100.00",
        "priceInPayoutCurrency": 100,
        "priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$100.00",
        "discount": 0,
        "discountDisplay": "$0.00",
        "discountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
        "discountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
        "subtotal": 326.64,
        "subtotalDisplay": "$326.64",
        "subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 326.64,
        "subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$326.64",
        "next": 1646697600000,
        "nextValue": 1646697600000,
        "nextInSeconds": 1646697600,
        "nextDisplay": "3/8/22",
        "end": null,
        "endValue": null,
        "endInSeconds": null,
        "endDisplay": null,
        "canceledDate": null,
        "canceledDateValue": null,
        "canceledDateInSeconds": null,
        "canceledDateDisplay": null,
        "deactivationDate": null,
        "deactivationDateValue": null,
        "deactivationDateInSeconds": null,
        "deactivationDateDisplay": null,
        "sequence": 1,
        "periods": null,
        "remainingPeriods": null,
        "begin": 1644278400000,
        "beginValue": 1644278400000,
        "beginInSeconds": 1644278400,
        "beginDisplay": "2/8/22",
        "intervalUnit": "month",
        "intervalLength": 1,
        "nextChargeCurrency": "USD",
        "nextChargeDate": 1646697600000,
        "nextChargeDateValue": 1646697600000,
        "nextChargeDateInSeconds": 1646697600,
        "nextChargeDateDisplay": "3/8/22",
        "nextChargePreTax": 300,
        "nextChargePreTaxDisplay": "$300.00",
        "nextChargePreTaxInPayoutCurrency": 300,
        "nextChargePreTaxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$300.00",
        "nextChargeTotal": 326.64,
        "nextChargeTotalDisplay": "$326.64",
        "nextChargeTotalInPayoutCurrency": 326.64,
        "nextChargeTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$326.64",
        "taxExemptionData": "",
        "paymentOverdue": {
          "intervalUnit": "week",
          "intervalLength": 1,
          "total": 4,
          "sent": 0
        "cancellationSetting": {
          "cancellation": "AFTER_LAST_NOTIFICATION",
          "intervalUnit": "week",
          "intervalLength": 1
        "fulfillments": {},
        "instructions": [
            "product": "jean-grey",
            "type": "regular",
            "periodStartDate": null,
            "periodStartDateValue": null,
            "periodStartDateInSeconds": null,
            "periodStartDateDisplay": null,
            "periodEndDate": null,
            "periodEndDateValue": null,
            "periodEndDateInSeconds": null,
            "periodEndDateDisplay": null,
            "intervalUnit": "month",
            "intervalLength": 1,
            "discountPercent": 0,
            "discountPercentValue": 0,
            "discountPercentDisplay": "0%",
            "discountTotal": 0,
            "discountTotalDisplay": "$0.00",
            "discountTotalInPayoutCurrency": 0,
            "discountTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
            "unitDiscount": 0,
            "unitDiscountDisplay": "$0.00",
            "unitDiscountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
            "unitDiscountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
            "price": 100,
            "priceDisplay": "$100.00",
            "priceInPayoutCurrency": 100,
            "priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$100.00",
            "priceTotal": 300,
            "priceTotalDisplay": "$300.00",
            "priceTotalInPayoutCurrency": 300,
            "priceTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$300.00",
            "unitPrice": 100,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "$100.00",
            "unitPriceInPayoutCurrency": 100,
            "unitPriceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$100.00",
            "total": 300,
            "totalDisplay": "$300.00",
            "totalInPayoutCurrency": 300,
            "totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$300.00"
      "withholdings": {
        "amount": 1.5,
        "amountDisplay": "$1.50",
        "amountInPayoutCurrency": 1.5,
        "amountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.50",
        "percentage": 30,
        "taxWithholdings": true