FastSpring sends the return.created server webhook each time you issue a refund or return an order.
FastSpring does not send the return.created webhook for tax refunds.
Contents of Event Payload
Name | Type | Description |
return | string | Internal return ID. |
reference | string | Customer-facing refund reference. |
completed | boolean | True if the refund has been processed successfully. False if the return has not been processed, or was unsuccessful. |
changed | integer | Date of the most recent update to the refund, in milliseconds. |
changedValue | integer | Date of the most recent update to the refund, in milliseconds.(backward compatibility) |
changedInSeconds | integer | Date of the most recent update to the refund, in seconds. |
changedDisplay | string | Date of the most recent update to the refund. The display is formatted based on the language of the original order. |
live | boolean | True indicates a live order. False indicates a test order. |
account | string object | FastSpring-generated customer account ID (expansion disabled) If you have enabled webhook expansion, see Account for expanded contents. |
currency | string | 3 character ISO code of the order currency. The return currency is the same. |
payoutCurrency | string | 3 character ISO code of your disbursement currency. |
totalReturn | number | Total return amount in the original transaction's currency. |
totalReturnDisplay | string | Total return amount. This is formatted to display based on the original transaction's currency. |
totalReturnInPayoutCurrency | number | Total returned amount in the currency of your FastSpring disbursements. |
totalReturnInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Total return amount. This is formatted to display based on the currency of your FastSpring disbursements. |
tax | number | Tax amount returned, in the original transaction's currency |
taxDisplay | string | Tax amount returned. This is formatted to display based on the original transaction's currency. |
taxInPayoutCurrency | number | Tax amount returned, in the currency of your FastSpring disbursements. |
taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Tax amount returned. This is formatted to display based on the currency of your FastSpring disbursements. |
subtotal | number | Subtotal of the return (excludes tax), in the original transaction's currency. |
subtotalDisplay | string | Subtotal of the return (excludes tax). This is formatted to display based in original transaction's currency. |
subtotalInPayoutCurrency | number | Subtotal of the return in your FastSpring disbursement currency. |
subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Subtotal of the return. This is formatted to display in your FastSpring disbursement currency. |
totalRefundInPayoutCurrency | number | Total return amount in your FastSpring disbursement currency. (backward compatibility) |
payment | object | The original order's payment information. |
type | string | Payment method of the original order: paypal, amazon, creditcard, test, bank, purchase-order, free. |
creditcard | string | Type of credit or debit card used for the order: visa, mastercard, amex, discover, jcb, carteblanche, dinersclub, unionpay. |
cardEnding | string | Last four digits of the credit or debit card number used for the order. |
bank | string | Type of bank transfer used to pay for the order: wire, brazilwire, ideal, ecard, sepa. |
reason | string | Reason type selected for the return. You select this when you process the return. |
note | string | Additional information about the return. You add a note when you process the return. |
type | string | Type of return processed: CHARGEBACK, PAYMENTRISK, PAYPAL, RETURN. |
original | object | Details of the order session that is returned. |
id | string | Internal ID of the order that is returned. |
order | string | Internal ID of the order that is returned. (backward compatibility) |
reference | string | Customer-facing reference number of the order that is returned. |
account | string | FastSpring-generated customer account ID associated with the original order (always matches the account/ |
currency | string | 3 character ISO code of the order currency. |
payoutCurrency | string | 3 character ISO code of your FastSpring disbursement currency. |
total | number | Total amount of the order. This displays in the order's currency. |
totalDisplay | string | Total amount of the order. This is formatted to display in the order's currency. |
totalInPayoutCurrency | number | Total amount of the order. This displays in the your disbursement currency. |
totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Total amount of the order. This is formatted to display in your disbursement currency. |
tax | number | Tax amount. This displays in the order's currency. |
taxDisplay | string | Tax amount. This is formatted to display in the order's currency. |
taxInPayoutCurrency | number | Tax amount. This displays in your disbursement currency. |
taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Tax amount. This is formatted to display in your disbursement currency. |
subtotal | number | Order subtotal, in the original currency. |
subtotalDisplay | string | Order subtotal. This is formatted to display in the original currency |
subtotalInPayoutCurrency | number | Order subtotal. This is formatted to display in your disbursement currency. |
subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Order subtotal. This is formatted to display in your disbursement currency. |
notes | array | Notes from the original order. This consists of one JSON object per note with two strings per object (note and creator). |
subscriptions | array | Subscription ID strings, if any. |
customer | object | Customer information from the order record. |
first | string | Customer's first name. |
last | string | Customer's last name. |
string | Customer's email address. | |
company | string | Customer's associated company name |
phone | string | Customer's phone number |
items | array | Returned product information. For the full reference, see Item Contents. |
coupons | array | Coupon ID applied to the order, if any. |
withholdings | object | Information regarding tax withholdings for the product or order. |
withholdings | boolean | True: Proceeds are subject to tax withholdings. False: Proceeds are not subject to tax withholdings. |
currency | string | 3 character ISO code of the payout currency. |
amount | number | Amount that FastSpring will withhold. |
percentage | number | Withholding percentage provided on Form W-8. |
quote | string | Internal quote ID associated with the order, if any. |
Webhook Expansion Disabled
"reason":"Other Reason",
"note":"Mac OS 10.5 not supported",
"note":"This customer likes chicken.",
"display":"Example Product 3",
"withholdings": {
"amount": 1.5,
"amountDisplay": "$1.50",
"amountInPayoutCurrency": 1.5,
"amountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.50",
"percentage": 30,
"taxWithholdings": true
Webhook Expansion Enabled
"return": "RDBBdJJ6SKeFCLQJ5I8-HA",
"quote": null,
"reference": "NETPTST220208-5750-95147X",
"completed": true,
"changed": 1644335370308,
"changedValue": 1644335370308,
"changedInSeconds": 1644335370,
"changedDisplay": "2/8/22",
"live": true,
"account": {
"id": "TPNEIapGQG61VxtYf7CD-A",
"account": "TPNEIapGQG61VxtYf7CD-A",
"contact": {
"first": "Jean",
"last": "Sanity",
"email": "",
"company": null,
"phone": "5553065282",
"subscribed": true
"address": {
"address line 1": "Penny Lane",
"address line 2": null,
"city": "New York",
"company": "US",
"postal code": "10002",
"region": "US-NY",
"region custom": null
"language": "en",
"country": "US",
"lookup": {
"global": "IpcFhl6NQdKf2K_IgIBoCg"
"url": ""
"currency": "USD",
"payoutCurrency": "USD",
"totalReturn": 5.44,
"totalReturnDisplay": "$5.44",
"totalReturnInPayoutCurrency": 5.44,
"totalReturnInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$5.44",
"tax": 0.44,
"taxDisplay": "$0.44",
"taxInPayoutCurrency": 0.44,
"taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.44",
"subtotal": 5,
"subtotalDisplay": "$5.00",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 5,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$5.00",
"totalRefundInPayoutCurrency": 5.44,
"payment": {
"type": "creditcard",
"creditcard": "visa",
"cardEnding": "0008"
"reason": "Other Reason",
"note": "Sanity Testing",
"type": "RETURN",
"original": {
"id": "LkHcB_p5Sgm4vludPw38cA",
"order": "LkHcB_p5Sgm4vludPw38cA",
"reference": "NETPTST220208-7422-62174",
"account": "TPNEIapGQG61VxtYf7CD-A",
"currency": "USD",
"payoutCurrency": "USD",
"total": 108.88,
"totalDisplay": "$108.88",
"totalInPayoutCurrency": 108.88,
"totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$108.88",
"tax": 8.88,
"taxDisplay": "$8.88",
"taxInPayoutCurrency": 8.88,
"taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$8.88",
"subtotal": 100,
"subtotalDisplay": "$100.00",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 100,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$100.00",
"notes": [],
"subscriptions": [
"customer": {
"first": "Jean",
"last": "Sanity",
"email": "",
"company": null,
"phone": "5553065282",
"subscribed": true
"items": [
"product": "jean-grey",
"quantity": 0,
"display": "Jean Grey",
"sku": null,
"subtotal": 5,
"subtotalDisplay": "$5.00",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 5,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$5.00",
"subscription": {
"id": "uyQCW120SRi6t7QoDzrSRg",
"quote": null,
"subscription": "uyQCW120SRi6t7QoDzrSRg",
"active": true,
"state": "active",
"changed": 1644332494781,
"changedValue": 1644332494781,
"changedInSeconds": 1644332494,
"changedDisplay": "2/8/22",
"live": true,
"currency": "USD",
"account": "TPNEIapGQG61VxtYf7CD-A",
"product": "jean-grey",
"sku": null,
"display": "Jean Grey",
"quantity": 3,
"adhoc": false,
"autoRenew": true,
"price": 100,
"priceDisplay": "$100.00",
"priceInPayoutCurrency": 100,
"priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$100.00",
"discount": 0,
"discountDisplay": "$0.00",
"discountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
"discountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
"subtotal": 326.64,
"subtotalDisplay": "$326.64",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 326.64,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$326.64",
"next": 1646697600000,
"nextValue": 1646697600000,
"nextInSeconds": 1646697600,
"nextDisplay": "3/8/22",
"end": null,
"endValue": null,
"endInSeconds": null,
"endDisplay": null,
"canceledDate": null,
"canceledDateValue": null,
"canceledDateInSeconds": null,
"canceledDateDisplay": null,
"deactivationDate": null,
"deactivationDateValue": null,
"deactivationDateInSeconds": null,
"deactivationDateDisplay": null,
"sequence": 1,
"periods": null,
"remainingPeriods": null,
"begin": 1644278400000,
"beginValue": 1644278400000,
"beginInSeconds": 1644278400,
"beginDisplay": "2/8/22",
"intervalUnit": "month",
"intervalLength": 1,
"nextChargeCurrency": "USD",
"nextChargeDate": 1646697600000,
"nextChargeDateValue": 1646697600000,
"nextChargeDateInSeconds": 1646697600,
"nextChargeDateDisplay": "3/8/22",
"nextChargePreTax": 300,
"nextChargePreTaxDisplay": "$300.00",
"nextChargePreTaxInPayoutCurrency": 300,
"nextChargePreTaxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$300.00",
"nextChargeTotal": 326.64,
"nextChargeTotalDisplay": "$326.64",
"nextChargeTotalInPayoutCurrency": 326.64,
"nextChargeTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$326.64",
"taxExemptionData": "",
"paymentOverdue": {
"intervalUnit": "week",
"intervalLength": 1,
"total": 4,
"sent": 0
"cancellationSetting": {
"cancellation": "AFTER_LAST_NOTIFICATION",
"intervalUnit": "week",
"intervalLength": 1
"fulfillments": {},
"instructions": [
"product": "jean-grey",
"type": "regular",
"periodStartDate": null,
"periodStartDateValue": null,
"periodStartDateInSeconds": null,
"periodStartDateDisplay": null,
"periodEndDate": null,
"periodEndDateValue": null,
"periodEndDateInSeconds": null,
"periodEndDateDisplay": null,
"intervalUnit": "month",
"intervalLength": 1,
"discountPercent": 0,
"discountPercentValue": 0,
"discountPercentDisplay": "0%",
"discountTotal": 0,
"discountTotalDisplay": "$0.00",
"discountTotalInPayoutCurrency": 0,
"discountTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
"unitDiscount": 0,
"unitDiscountDisplay": "$0.00",
"unitDiscountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
"unitDiscountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
"price": 100,
"priceDisplay": "$100.00",
"priceInPayoutCurrency": 100,
"priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$100.00",
"priceTotal": 300,
"priceTotalDisplay": "$300.00",
"priceTotalInPayoutCurrency": 300,
"priceTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$300.00",
"unitPrice": 100,
"unitPriceDisplay": "$100.00",
"unitPriceInPayoutCurrency": 100,
"unitPriceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$100.00",
"total": 300,
"totalDisplay": "$300.00",
"totalInPayoutCurrency": 300,
"totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$300.00"
"withholdings": {
"amount": 1.5,
"amountDisplay": "$1.50",
"amountInPayoutCurrency": 1.5,
"amountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.50",
"percentage": 30,
"taxWithholdings": true