Co-term Group Deactivated

Event payload example and property overview for

Webhook response payload example (expansion enabled)

When a event is triggered, the webhook sends the following JSON payload:

    "cotermGroupId": "aB1c2deFGhIjKL3mn-opqR",
    "cotermGroupDisplayName": "Tech Services Monthly Plan",
    "cotermGroupPeriodStartDate": 1754044800000,
    "cotermGroupPeriodEndDate": 1756646400000,
    "cotermGroupPrimarySubscription": "sub-001",
    "cotermGroupStatus": "DUNNING",
    "cotermGroupOrderId": "aBCDE12fGH3iJkL4mNOpq",
    "cotermNextChargeDate": 1740441600000,
    "cotermNextChargeTotal": 49.9,
    "cotermGroupSize": 2,
    "currency": "USD",
    "account": {
      "id": "abCdE1FGH2Hij3KLMnOpqR",
      "account": "abCdE1FGH2Hij3KLMnOpqR",
      "contact": {
        "first": "Jane",
        "last": "Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "company": "Company Inc.",
        "phone": "8001234567",
        "subscribed": true
      "address": {
        "address line 1": "123 Business Rd",
        "address line 2": "Floor 4",
        "city": "Metropolis",
        "country": "US",
        "postal code": "12345",
        "region": "US-NY",
        "region custom": null,
        "company": "Company Inc."
      "language": "en",
      "country": "US",
      "lookup": {
        "global": "lookup-001"
      "url": ""
    "subscriptions": [

Webhook response payload properties

The webhook response properties table outlines each property in the event JSON payload, specifying their name, data type, and description.

Name Type Description
Co-term Group Information
cotermGroupId string Unique identifier for the co-term group.
cotermGroupDisplayName string Display name of the co-term group. This property is optional when creating a co-term group.
cotermGroupPeriodStartDate integer Start date of the co-term group period in milliseconds.
cotermGroupPeriodEndDate integer End date of the co-term group period in milliseconds.
cotermGroupPrimarySubscription string ID of the primary subscription in the co-term group. This property represents the most recently purchased subscription within the group.
cotermGroupStatus string Status of the co-term group (e.g., "EXECUTED").
cotermGroupOrderId string Order ID associated with the co-term group.
cotermNextChargeDate integer Next charge date for the co-term group in milliseconds. This value is computed by adding one day to the length of the current term (see the monthly and yearly subscription examples below).

Monthly Subscription: If the co-term is initiated on February 11, the next charge date becomes March 12 (one full month plus one day).

Yearly Subscription: If initiated on February 11, 2025, the next charge date becomes February 12, 2026 (one full year plus one day).
cotermNextChargeTotal number Total amount for the next charge, displayed in the nextChargeCurrency.
cotermGroupSize string Number of subscriptions in the co-term group.
currency string 3-character ISO code of the currency used in the co-term group (e.g., "USD").
Account Object string Unique identifier for the account.
account.account string FastSpring-generated customer account ID. string First name of the account contact. string Last name of the account contact. string Email address of the account contact. string Company name associated with the account contact (if applicable). string Phone number of the account contact (if provided). boolean Indicates if the account contact is subscribed to updates.
account.address.address line 1 string First line of the account address.
account.address.address line 2 string Second line of the account address (if applicable). string City of the account address. string Country of the account address (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code).
account.address.postal code string Postal code of the account address.
account.address.region string Region of the account address (e.g., state or province).
account.address.region custom string Custom region information for the account address (if provided). string Company name associated with the account address (if applicable).
account.language string Preferred language of the account (e.g., "en"). Two-letter language code (ISO 639). string Country associated with the account. Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). string Global lookup identifier for the account.
account.url string FastSpring account URL for accessing the account's details.
Subscriptions Array
subscriptions array Array of subscription IDs that were a part of the deactivated co-term group.