Co-term Payment Overdue

Event payload example and property overview for

Webhook response payload example (expansion enabled)

When a event is triggered, the webhook sends the following JSON payload:

  "cotermGroupId": "aB1c2deFGhIjKL3mn-opqR",
  "cotermGroupDisplayName": "Tech Services Monthly Plan",
  "cotermGroupPeriodStartDate": 1754044800000,
  "cotermGroupPeriodEndDate": 1756646400000,
  "cotermGroupPrimarySubscription": "1abc2DE_FGhIjKLm3NoPQR",
  "cotermGroupStatus": "DUNNING",
  "cotermNextChargeDate": 1744329600000,
  "cotermNextChargeTotal": 40,
  "cotermGroupSize": 2,
  "currency": "USD",
  "account": {
      "id": "abCdE1FGH2Hij3KLMnOpqR",
      "account": "abCdE1FGH2Hij3KLMnOpqR",
      "contact": {
        "first": "Jane",
        "last": "Doe",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "company": "Company Inc.",
        "phone": "8001234567",
        "subscribed": true
      "address": {
        "address line 1": "123 Business Rd",
        "address line 2": "Floor 4",
        "city": "Metropolis",
        "country": "US",
        "postal code": "12345",
        "region": "US-NY",
        "region custom": null,
        "company": "Company Inc."
      "language": "en",
      "country": "US",
      "lookup": {
        "global": "lookup-001"
      "url": ""
  "scheduledEvents": null,
  "subscriptions": [
  "id": "1abc2DE_FGhIjKLm3NoPQR",
  "active": true,
  "state": "overdue",
  "isSubscriptionEligibleForPauseByBuyer": false,
  "isPauseScheduled": false,
  "changed": 1739203715234,
  "live": false,
  "currency": "USD",
  "product": {
      "product": "cloud-storage",
      "parent": null,
      "productAppReference": "1aB_CDeFGh2IJk34_5LmN",
      "display": {
      "en": "Cloud Storage Service"
      "description": {
      "summary": {
          "en": "Cloud Storage Service"
      "image": null,
      "fulfillments": {},
      "format": "digital",
      "taxcode": "DC020500",
      "taxcodeDescription": null,
      "pricing": {
      "interval": "month",
      "intervalLength": 1,
      "intervalCount": null,
      "quantityBehavior": "allow",
      "quantityDefault": 1,
      "price": {
          "USD": 10
      "dateLimitsEnabled": false,
      "reminderNotification": {
          "enabled": true,
          "interval": "week",
          "intervalLength": 1
      "overdueNotification": {
          "enabled": true,
          "interval": "week",
          "intervalLength": 1,
          "amount": 4
      "cancellation": {
          "interval": "week",
          "intervalLength": 1
  "sku": null,
  "display": "Cloud Storage Service",
  "quantity": 1,
  "adhoc": false,
  "autoRenew": true,
  "price": 10,
  "discount": 0,
  "subtotal": 20,
  "next": 1744329600000,
  "end": null,
  "canceledDate": null,
  "deactivationDate": null,
  "sequence": 1,
  "periods": null,
  "remainingPeriods": null,
  "begin": 1738265837569,
  "intervalUnit": "month",
  "intervalUnitAbbreviation": "mo",
  "intervalLength": 1,
  "nextChargeCurrency": "USD",
  "nextChargeDate": 1744329600000,
  "nextChargePreTax": 18.52,
  "nextChargeTotal": 20,
  "addons": null,
  "discounts": null,
  "instructions": [
      "product": "cloud-storage",
      "type": "regular",
      "isNotTrial": true,
      "periodStartDate": 1738195200000,
      "periodStartDateValue": 1738195200000,
      "periodStartDateInSeconds": 1738195200,
      "periodStartDateDisplay": "1/30/25",
      "periodStartDateDisplayISO8601": "2025-01-30",
      "periodEndDate": null,
      "periodEndDateValue": null,
      "periodEndDateInSeconds": null,
      "periodEndDateDisplay": null,
      "periodEndDateDisplayISO8601": null,
      "intervalUnit": "month",
      "intervalLength": 1,
      "discountPercent": 0,
      "discountPercentValue": 0,
      "discountPercentDisplay": "0%",
      "discountTotal": 0,
      "discountTotalDisplay": "$0.00",
      "discountTotalInPayoutCurrency": 0,
      "discountTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
      "unitDiscount": 0,
      "unitDiscountDisplay": "$0.00",
      "unitDiscountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
      "unitDiscountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
      "price": 10,
      "priceDisplay": "$10.00",
      "priceInPayoutCurrency": 10,
      "priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$10.00",
      "priceTotal": 20,
      "priceTotalDisplay": "$20.00",
      "priceTotalInPayoutCurrency": 20,
      "priceTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$20.00",
      "unitPrice": 10,
      "unitPriceDisplay": "$10.00",
      "unitPriceInPayoutCurrency": 10,
      "unitPriceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$10.00",
      "total": 20,
      "totalDisplay": "$20.00",
      "totalInPayoutCurrency": 20,
      "totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$20.00",
      "totalWithTaxes": 20,
      "totalWithTaxesDisplay": "$20.00",
      "totalWithTaxesInPayoutCurrency": 20,
      "totalWithTaxesInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$20.00"
  "id": "2abc2DE_FGhIjKLm3NoPQR",
  "active": true,
  "state": "overdue",
  "isSubscriptionEligibleForPauseByBuyer": false,
  "isPauseScheduled": false,
  "changed": 1739203715234,
  "live": false,
  "currency": "USD",
  "product": {
      "product": "data-analytics",
      "parent": null,
      "productAppReference": "2aB_CDeFGh2IJk34_5LmN",
      "display": {
      "en": "Data Analytics Service"
      "fulfillments": {},
      "format": "digital",
      "taxcode": "DC020500",
      "taxcodeDescription": null,
      "pricing": {
      "interval": "week",
      "intervalLength": 1,
      "intervalCount": null,
      "quantityBehavior": "allow",
      "quantityDefault": 1,
      "price": {
          "USD": 10
      "dateLimitsEnabled": false,
      "reminderNotification": {
          "enabled": true,
          "interval": "week",
          "intervalLength": 1
      "overdueNotification": {
          "enabled": true,
          "interval": "week",
          "intervalLength": 1,
          "amount": 4
      "cancellation": {
          "interval": "week",
          "intervalLength": 1
  "sku": null,
  "display": "Data Analytics Service",
  "quantity": 1,
  "adhoc": false,
  "autoRenew": true,
  "price": 10,
  "discount": 0,
  "subtotal": 10,
  "next": 1744329600000,
  "end": null,
  "canceledDate": null,
  "deactivationDate": null,
  "sequence": 1,
  "periods": null,
  "remainingPeriods": null,
  "begin": 1738256076037,
  "intervalUnit": "month",
  "intervalUnitAbbreviation": "mo",
  "intervalLength": 1,
  "nextChargeCurrency": "USD",
  "nextChargeDate": 1744329600000,
  "nextChargePreTax": 9.26,
  "nextChargeTotal": 10,
  "addons": null,
  "discounts": null,
  "instructions": [
      "product": "data-analytics",
      "type": "regular",
      "isNotTrial": true,
      "periodStartDate": 1738195200000,
      "periodStartDateValue": 1738195200000,
      "periodStartDateInSeconds": 1738195200,
      "periodStartDateDisplay": "1/30/25",
      "periodStartDateDisplayISO8601": "2025-01-30",
      "periodEndDate": null,
      "periodEndDateValue": null,
      "periodEndDateInSeconds": null,
      "periodEndDateDisplay": null,
      "periodEndDateDisplayISO8601": null,
      "intervalUnit": "month",
      "intervalLength": 1,
      "discountPercent": 0,
      "discountPercentValue": 0,
      "discountPercentDisplay": "0%",
      "discountTotal": 0,
      "discountTotalDisplay": "$0.00",
      "discountTotalInPayoutCurrency": 0,
      "discountTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
      "unitDiscount": 0,
      "unitDiscountDisplay": "$0.00",
      "unitDiscountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
      "unitDiscountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
      "price": 10,
      "priceDisplay": "$10.00",
      "priceInPayoutCurrency": 10,
      "priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$10.00",
      "priceTotal": 10,
      "priceTotalDisplay": "$10.00",
      "priceTotalInPayoutCurrency": 10,
      "priceTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$10.00",
      "unitPrice": 10,
      "unitPriceDisplay": "$10.00",
      "unitPriceInPayoutCurrency": 10,
      "unitPriceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$10.00",
      "total": 10,
      "totalDisplay": "$10.00",
      "totalInPayoutCurrency": 10,
      "totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$10.00",
      "totalWithTaxes": 10,
      "totalWithTaxesDisplay": "$10.00",
      "totalWithTaxesInPayoutCurrency": 10,
      "totalWithTaxesInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$10.00"

Webhook response payload properties

The webhook response properties table outlines each property in the event JSON payload, specifying their name, data type, and description.

Name Type Description
Co-term Group Information
cotermGroupId string Unique identifier for the co-term group.
cotermGroupDisplayName string Display name of the co-term group. This property is optional when creating a co-term group.
cotermGroupPeriodStartDate integer Start date of the co-term group period, in milliseconds.
cotermGroupPeriodEndDate integer End date of the co-term group period, in milliseconds.
cotermGroupPrimarySubscription string ID of the primary subscription in the co-term group. This property represents the most recently purchased subscription within the group.
cotermGroupStatus string Status of the co-term group (e.g., "EXECUTED").
cotermNextChargeDate integer Next charge date for the co-term group in milliseconds. This value is computed by adding one day to the length of the current term (see the monthly and yearly subscription examples below).

Monthly Subscription: If the co-term is initiated on February 11, the next charge date becomes March 12 (one full month plus one day).

Yearly Subscription: If initiated on February 11, 2025, the next charge date becomes February 12, 2026 (one full year plus one day).
cotermNextChargeTotal number Total amount for the next charge.
cotermGroupSize string Number of subscriptions in the co-term group.
currency string Currency code used (e.g., "USD").
Account Object
account object Account object containing account details. string Unique identifier for the account.
account.account string FastSpring-generated customer account ID. string First name of the account contact. string Last name of the account contact. string Email address of the account contact. string Company name of the account contact. string Phone number of the account contact. boolean Indicates if the account contact is subscribed.
account.address.address line 1 string First line of the account address.
account.address.address line 2 string Second line of the account address. string City of the account address. string Country of the account address.
account.address.postal code string Postal code of the account address.
account.address.region string Region or state of the account address.
account.address.region custom string Custom region information for the account address. string Company associated with the account address.
account.language string Preferred language of the account (e.g., "en"). string Country code for the account. string Global lookup identifier for the account.
account.url string URL to access the account details.
Scheduled Events Array
scheduledEvents array Array of scheduled event objects. string Date of the scheduled event.
scheduledEvents.type string Type of the scheduled event.
Subscriptions Array
subscriptions array Array of subscription objects. string Unique identifier for the subscription. boolean Indicates if the subscription is active.
subscriptions.state string Current state of the subscription.
subscriptions.isSubscriptionEligibleForPauseByBuyer boolean Indicates if the subscription is eligible for pause by the buyer.
subscriptions.isPauseScheduled boolean Indicates if a pause is scheduled for the subscription.
subscriptions.changed integer Timestamp of the last change, in milliseconds. boolean Indicates if the subscription is live.
subscriptions.currency string Currency used for the subscription.
subscriptions.product object Product object associated with the subscription.
subscriptions.product.product string Product name.
subscriptions.product.parent string Parent product (if any).
subscriptions.product.productAppReference string Product app reference.
subscriptions.product.display.en string Display name for the product in English.
subscriptions.product.description.summary.en string Summary description of the product in English.
subscriptions.product.image string Image URL of the product.
subscriptions.product.fulfillments object Fulfillment details for the product.
subscriptions.product.format string Format of the product (e.g., "digital").
subscriptions.product.taxcode string Tax code of the product.
subscriptions.product.taxcodeDescription string Description of the tax code.
subscriptions.product.pricing object Pricing object for the product.
subscriptions.product.pricing.interval string Billing interval (e.g., "month").
subscriptions.product.pricing.intervalLength integer Length of the billing interval.
subscriptions.product.pricing.intervalCount integer Number of intervals (if applicable).
subscriptions.product.pricing.quantityBehavior string Behavior for quantity (e.g., "allow").
subscriptions.product.pricing.quantityDefault integer Default quantity.
subscriptions.product.pricing.price object Price object with currency-specific values.
subscriptions.product.pricing.price.EUR number Price in EUR.
subscriptions.product.pricing.price.USD number Price in USD.
subscriptions.product.pricing.dateLimitsEnabled boolean Indicates if date limits are enabled for pricing.
subscriptions.product.reminderNotification.enabled boolean Determines whether reminder notifications are enabled for the subscription product. When true, reminders will be sent as scheduled.
subscriptions.product.reminderNotification.interval string Specifies the type of interval for reminder notifications (e.g., "daily", "weekly").
subscriptions.product.reminderNotification.intervalLength string Indicates the numeric duration of the reminder notification interval (e.g., the number of days between notifications).
subscriptions.product.overdueNotification.enabled boolean Indicates if overdue notifications are enabled for the subscription product. When true, overdue alerts are active.
subscriptions.product.overdueNotification.interval string Specifies the type of interval for sending overdue notifications (e.g., "daily", "weekly").
subscriptions.product.overdueNotification.intervalLength string Indicates the duration or length of time between overdue notifications, usually represented as a numeric value in string format.
subscriptions.product.overdueNotification.amount string Defines the amount associated with overdue notifications, which may represent a threshold or fee, formatted as a string.
subscriptions.product.cancellation.interval string Specifies the interval type for subscription cancellation (e.g., "days", "months").
subscriptions.product.cancellation.intervalLength string Indicates the length of the cancellation interval, representing the number of time units before a subscription is cancelled.
subscriptions.sku string SKU of the subscription.
subscriptions.display string Display name of the subscription.
subscriptions.quantity integer Quantity of the subscription.
subscriptions.adhoc boolean Indicates if the subscription is ad-hoc.
subscriptions.autoRenew boolean Indicates if the subscription auto-renews.
subscriptions.price integer Price per unit of the subscription. integer Discount applied to the subscription.
subscriptions.subtotal integer Subtotal amount for the subscription. integer Next billing date for the subscription, in milliseconds.
subscriptions.end string End date for the subscription.
subscriptions.canceledDate string Canceled date for the subscription.
subscriptions.deactivationDate string Deactivation date for the subscription.
subscriptions.sequence integer Sequence number for the subscription.
subscriptions.periods integer Total number of periods for the subscription.
subscriptions.remainingPeriods integer Number of remaining periods for the subscription.
subscriptions.begin integer Start date of the subscription, in milliseconds.
subscriptions.intervalUnit string Interval unit for the subscription (e.g., "month").
subscriptions.intervalUnitAbbreviation string Abbreviation for the interval unit.
subscriptions.intervalLength integer Length of the subscription interval.
subscriptions.nextChargeCurrency string Currency for the next charge.
subscriptions.nextChargeDate integer Next charge date for the subscription, in milliseconds.
subscriptions.nextChargePreTax integer Pre-tax amount for the next charge.
subscriptions.nextChargeTotal integer Total amount for the next charge.
Add-ons Array (within Subscriptions array)
subscriptions.addons.product string Product (product-path) associated with the add-on.
subscriptions.addons.sku string SKU for the add-on (if applicable).
subscriptions.addons.display string Display name for the add-on.
subscriptions.addons.quantity integer Quantity of the add-on.
subscriptions.addons.price integer Price per unit of the add-on. integer Coupon amount applied to the add-on.
subscriptions.addons.subtotal integer Subtotal amount for the add-on.
subscriptions.addons.subtotalDisplay integer Add-on subtotal, formatted for display.
subscriptions.addons.discounts array Coupon code(s) applied to the add-on.
Discounts Array (within Subscriptions array)
subscriptions.discounts array Array of discount objects (if present).
subscriptions.discounts.totalDiscountValue number Total discounted amount that will apply to the order.
subscriptions.discounts.discountPath string Path for the discount.
subscriptions.discounts.discountDuration string Duration for the discount.
subscriptions.discounts.discountValue number Discount amount per billing. This displays in the currency associated with the order, and if the coupon is not a percent discount.
Instructions Array (within Subscriptions array)
subscriptions.instructions array Array of instruction objects for the subscription.
subscriptions.instructions.product string Product associated with the instruction.
subscriptions.instructions.type string Type of instruction (e.g., "discounted").
subscriptions.instructions.isNotTrial boolean Indicates if the instruction is not a trial.
subscriptions.instructions.periodStartDate integer Start date of the instruction period in milliseconds.
subscriptions.instructions.periodStartDateValue number An alternative representation of the period start date in milliseconds.
subscriptions.instructions.periodStartDateInSeconds number Start date of the period as a timestamp in seconds.
subscriptions.instructions.periodStartDateDisplay string A human-readable representation of the period start date.
subscriptions.instructions.periodStartDateDisplayISO8601 string Period start date formatted in ISO8601.
subscriptions.instructions.periodEndDate number Ending date of the period in milliseconds, or null if not set.
subscriptions.instructions.periodEndDateValue number An alternative representation of the period end date in milliseconds, or null if not set.
subscriptions.instructions.periodEndDateInSeconds number End date of the period as a timestamp in seconds, or null if not set.
subscriptions.instructions.periodEndDateDisplay string or null A human-readable representation of the period end date, or null if not set.
subscriptions.instructions.periodEndDateDisplayISO8601 string or null Period end date formatted in ISO8601, or null if not set.
subscriptions.instructions.intervalUnit string Specifies the unit of time for the interval (e.g., "month", "day", "year").
subscriptions.instructions.intervalLength number Indicates the length of the interval in the specified unit.
subscriptions.instructions.discountPercent number Discount percentage applied, represented as a numeric value.
subscriptions.instructions.discountPercentValue number An alternative representation of the discount percentage.
subscriptions.instructions.discountPercentDisplay string A formatted string representation of the discount percentage (e.g., "0%").
subscriptions.instructions.discountTotal number Total discount amount applied.
subscriptions.instructions.discountTotalDisplay string A formatted string displaying the total discount amount (e.g., "$0.00").
subscriptions.instructions.discountTotalInPayoutCurrency number Total discount amount converted into the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.discountTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay string A formatted string displaying the total discount amount in the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.unitDiscount number Discount amount applied per unit.
subscriptions.instructions.unitDiscountDisplay string A formatted string representation of the unit discount (e.g., "$0.00").
subscriptions.instructions.unitDiscountInPayoutCurrency number Unit discount amount converted into the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.unitDiscountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay string A formatted string displaying the unit discount in the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.price number Base price of the product or subscription.
subscriptions.instructions.priceDisplay string A formatted string displaying the base price (e.g., "$10.00").
subscriptions.instructions.priceInPayoutCurrency number Base price converted into the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay string A formatted string displaying the base price in the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.priceTotal number Total price amount.
subscriptions.instructions.priceTotalDisplay string A formatted string displaying the total price (e.g., "$20.00").
subscriptions.instructions.priceTotalInPayoutCurrency number Total price converted into the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.priceTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay string A formatted string displaying the total price in the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.unitPrice number Price per unit for the product or subscription.
subscriptions.instructions.unitPriceDisplay string A formatted string displaying the unit price (e.g., "$10.00").
subscriptions.instructions.unitPriceInPayoutCurrency number Unit price converted into the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.unitPriceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay string A formatted string displaying the unit price in the payout currency. number Total amount, combining base price, discounts, and any additional fees.
subscriptions.instructions.totalDisplay string A formatted string displaying the overall total amount (e.g., "$20.00").
subscriptions.instructions.totalInPayoutCurrency number Total amount converted into the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay string A formatted string displaying the overall total amount in the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.totalWithTaxes number Total amount including applicable taxes.
subscriptions.instructions.totalWithTaxesDisplay string A formatted string displaying the overall total amount including taxes (e.g., "$20.00").
subscriptions.instructions.totalWithTaxesInPayoutCurrency number Total amount including taxes converted into the payout currency.
subscriptions.instructions.totalWithTaxesInPayoutCurrencyDisplay string A formatted string displaying the overall total amount including taxes in the payout currency.