FastSpring sends the payoutEntry.created webhook when an order or return is created. When Webhook Expansion is enabled, the payoutEntry.created event includes the entire order, account, and subscription objects. If Webhook Expansion is not enabled, the account ID is returned, along with either the subscription ID, order ID or return ID depending on the payout triggering event.
Contents of Event Payload
The contents of the payload depend on whether the triggering event is an order or return.
- Order: The order ID or object appears in the payload.
- Return: The return ID or object appears in the payload.
All returns include the account ID or object.
Name | Type | Description |
account | object | Customer account information. If you have enabled webhook expansion, see Account Contents for expanded contents. |
subscriptions | string or object | Subscription information. If you have enabled webhook expansion, see Subscription Contents for expanded contents. |
subtractions | object | Details of deductions from the total amount that will be disbursed to you for this transaction. |
tax | object | Tax applied to this transaction. |
currency | string | 3 character ISO code of the currency in which is rendered. |
amount | number | Tax rendered for this transaction. |
percentage | integer | Tax percentage applied to this transaction. |
fastspring | object | FastSpring processing fee associated with this transaction. |
currency | string | 3 character ISO code of the currency in which the subtraction amount is rendered. |
amount | number | Amount of the FastSpring processing fee associated with this transaction. |
percentage | integer | Percentage of the FastSpring processing fee associated with this transaction. |
subtractions | array | Taxes, withholdings, and fees deducted from purchase proceeds. |
withholdings | object | Information regarding tax withholdings. |
withholdings | boolean | True: Proceeds are subject to tax withholdings. False: Proceeds are not subject to tax withholdings. |
currency | string | 3 character ISO code of the payout currency. |
amount | number | Amount that FastSpring will withhold. |
percentage | number | Withholding percentage provided on Form W-8. |
payouts | array | Information regarding the disbursement you will receive for this transaction. |
payee | string | Recipient name. |
currency | string | 3 character ISO code of the currency in which your payout is rendered. |
payout | string | Amount to be paid to the payee in the configured currency. |
subtotal | number | Amount of all payouts. This will be the same for each payee. |
total | string | Total order amount, including subtractions. |
Name | Type | Description |
orderID | string or object | Internal order ID. If you have enabled webhook expansion, see Order Contents for the full payload. |
reference | string | Customer-facing order reference. |
live | string | False for test orders. |
order | string object | Internal order id. If webhook expansion is enabled, the full order object, including the [items object] ( returns. |
Orders Example
"orderId": "0dMiVgpdRK-SEzCMMFCZXg",
"quote": null,
"reference": "REFERENCE18F18978Y7",
"live": false,
"order": {
"order": "0dMiVgpdRK-SEzCMMFCZXg",
"id": "0dMiVgpdRK-SEzCMMFCZXg",
"reference": "REFERENCE18F18978Y7",
"buyerReference": null,
"ipAddress": null,
"completed": true,
"changed": 1630600975802,
"changedValue": 1630600975802,
"changedInSeconds": 1630600975,
"changedDisplay": "9/2/21",
"language": "en",
"live": false,
"currency": "USD",
"payoutCurrency": "USD",
"quote": null,
"invoiceUrl": ",
"account": "pg5sktRVSDawpsRaVhlbFA",
"total": 1.96,
"totalDisplay": "$1.96",
"totalInPayoutCurrency": 1.96,
"totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.96",
"tax": 0,
"taxDisplay": "$0.00",
"taxInPayoutCurrency": 0,
"taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
"subtotal": 1.96,
"subtotalDisplay": "$1.96",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 1.96,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.96",
"discount": 1.48,
"discountDisplay": "$1.48",
"discountInPayoutCurrency": 1.48,
"discountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.48",
"discountWithTax": 1.48,
"discountWithTaxDisplay": "$1.48",
"discountWithTaxInPayoutCurrency": 1.48,
"discountWithTaxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.48",
"billDescriptor": "YourExampleStore",
"payment": {
"type": "test"
"customer": {
"first": "John",
"last": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"company": null,
"phone": null,
"subscribed": true
"address": {
"city": "Lincoln",
"regionCode": "NE",
"regionDisplay": "Nebraska",
"region": "Nebraska",
"postalCode": "68510",
"country": "US",
"display": "Lincoln, Nebraska, 68510, US"
"recipients": [
"recipient": {
"first": "First Name",
"last": "Last Name",
"email": "[email protected]",
"company": null,
"phone": null,
"subscribed": true,
"account": "pg5sktRVSDawpsRaVhlbFA",
"address": {
"city": "Lincoln",
"regionCode": "NE",
"regionDisplay": "Nebraska",
"region": "Nebraska",
"postalCode": "68510",
"country": "US",
"display": "Lincoln, Nebraska, 68510, US"
"notes": [],
"items": [
"product": "0-base-subscription",
"quantity": 1,
"display": "$0 base subscription",
"sku": "MC2.0",
"imageUrl": null,
"subtotal": 0.48,
"subtotalDisplay": "$0.48",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 0.48,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.48",
"discount": 0.36,
"discountDisplay": "$0.36",
"discountInPayoutCurrency": 0.36,
"discountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.36",
"subscription": "DjBeYqgGSOi5cDRR1MymcQ",
"fulfillments": {
"0-base-subscription_license_2": [
"license": "8657615304",
"display": "License Key",
"type": "license"
"product": "add-on-1",
"quantity": 4,
"display": "Add-on 1",
"sku": "",
"imageUrl": null,
"subtotal": 1.48,
"subtotalDisplay": "$1.48",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 1.48,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.48",
"discount": 1.12,
"discountDisplay": "$1.12",
"discountInPayoutCurrency": 1.12,
"discountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$1.12",
"fulfillments": {}
"account": {
"id": "pg5sktRVSDawpsRaVhlbFA",
"account": "pg5sktRVSDawpsRaVhlbFA",
"contact": {
"first": "First Name",
"last": "Last Name",
"email": "[email protected]",
"company": null,
"phone": null,
"subscribed": true
"address": {
"address line 1": null,
"address line 2": null,
"city": "Lincoln",
"company": "US",
"postal code": "68510",
"region": "US-NE",
"region custom": null
"language": "en",
"country": "US",
"lookup": {
"global": "53LH-y67S9-FenVdyMtkqw"
"url": ""
"subscriptions": [
"id": "DjBeYqgGSOi5cDRR1MymcQ",
"quote": null,
"subscription": "DjBeYqgGSOi5cDRR1MymcQ",
"active": true,
"state": "active",
"changed": 1628085270239,
"changedValue": 1628085270239,
"changedInSeconds": 1628085270,
"changedDisplay": "8/4/21",
"live": false,
"currency": "USD",
"account": "pg5sktRVSDawpsRaVhlbFA",
"product": "0-base-subscription",
"sku": "MC2.0",
"display": "$0 base subscription",
"quantity": 1,
"adhoc": false,
"autoRenew": true,
"price": 12.99,
"priceDisplay": "$12.99",
"priceInPayoutCurrency": 12.99,
"priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$12.99",
"discount": 0,
"discountDisplay": "$0.00",
"discountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
"discountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
"subtotal": 52.99,
"subtotalDisplay": "$52.99",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 52.99,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$52.99",
"tags": {
"irclickid": "XaVxe2zQdwsEWhNRJk03ET-MUkBU6zzc0000000"
"next": 1630713600000,
"nextValue": 1630713600000,
"nextInSeconds": 1630713600,
"nextDisplay": "9/4/21",
"end": null,
"endValue": null,
"endInSeconds": null,
"endDisplay": null,
"canceledDate": null,
"canceledDateValue": null,
"canceledDateInSeconds": null,
"canceledDateDisplay": null,
"deactivationDate": null,
"deactivationDateValue": null,
"deactivationDateInSeconds": null,
"deactivationDateDisplay": null,
"sequence": 1,
"periods": null,
"remainingPeriods": null,
"begin": 1628035200000,
"beginValue": 1628035200000,
"beginInSeconds": 1628035200,
"beginDisplay": "8/4/21",
"intervalUnit": "month",
"intervalLength": 1,
"nextChargeCurrency": "USD",
"nextChargeDate": 1630713600000,
"nextChargeDateValue": 1630713600000,
"nextChargeDateInSeconds": 1630713600,
"nextChargeDateDisplay": "9/4/21",
"nextChargePreTax": 52.99,
"nextChargePreTaxDisplay": "$52.99",
"nextChargePreTaxInPayoutCurrency": 52.99,
"nextChargePreTaxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$52.99",
"nextChargeTotal": 52.99,
"nextChargeTotalDisplay": "$52.99",
"nextChargeTotalInPayoutCurrency": 52.99,
"nextChargeTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$52.99",
"nextNotificationType": "PAYMENT_REMINDER",
"nextNotificationDate": 1630108800000,
"nextNotificationDateValue": 1630108800000,
"nextNotificationDateInSeconds": 1630108800,
"nextNotificationDateDisplay": "8/28/21",
"paymentReminder": {
"intervalUnit": "week",
"intervalLength": 1
"paymentOverdue": {
"intervalUnit": "week",
"intervalLength": 1,
"total": 6,
"sent": 0
"cancellationSetting": {
"cancellation": "AFTER_LAST_NOTIFICATION",
"intervalUnit": "week",
"intervalLength": 1
"addons": [
"product": "add-on-1",
"sku": "",
"display": "Add-on 1",
"quantity": 4,
"price": 10,
"priceDisplay": "$10.00",
"priceInPayoutCurrency": 10,
"priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$10.00",
"discount": 0,
"discountDisplay": "$0.00",
"discountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
"discountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
"subtotal": 40,
"subtotalDisplay": "$40.00",
"subtotalInPayoutCurrency": 40,
"subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$40.00",
"discounts": []
"fulfillments": {
"0-base-subscription_license_2": [
"license": "8657615304",
"display": "License Key",
"type": "license"
"instructions": [
"product": "0-base-subscription",
"type": "regular",
"periodStartDate": null,
"periodStartDateValue": null,
"periodStartDateInSeconds": null,
"periodStartDateDisplay": null,
"periodEndDate": null,
"periodEndDateValue": null,
"periodEndDateInSeconds": null,
"periodEndDateDisplay": null,
"intervalUnit": "month",
"intervalLength": 1,
"discountPercent": 0,
"discountPercentValue": 0,
"discountPercentDisplay": "0%",
"discountTotal": 0,
"discountTotalDisplay": "$0.00",
"discountTotalInPayoutCurrency": 0,
"discountTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
"unitDiscount": 0,
"unitDiscountDisplay": "$0.00",
"unitDiscountInPayoutCurrency": 0,
"unitDiscountInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$0.00",
"price": 12.99,
"priceDisplay": "$12.99",
"priceInPayoutCurrency": 12.99,
"priceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$12.99",
"priceTotal": 12.99,
"priceTotalDisplay": "$12.99",
"priceTotalInPayoutCurrency": 12.99,
"priceTotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$12.99",
"unitPrice": 12.99,
"unitPriceDisplay": "$12.99",
"unitPriceInPayoutCurrency": 12.99,
"unitPriceInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$12.99",
"total": 12.99,
"totalDisplay": "$12.99",
"totalInPayoutCurrency": 12.99,
"totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay": "$12.99"
"subtractions": {
"tax": {
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0
"fastspring": {
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 1.0872,
"percentage": 55.47
"withholdings": {
"withholdings": true,
"currency" "USD",
"amount": 23.34,
"percentage": 15
"payouts": [
"payee": "solisinc",
"currency": "USD",
"payout": "0.88",
"subtotal": 0.88,
"total": "1.96"
Name | Type | Description |
return | string object | Internal return ID (expansion disabled). Returns object with all return details (expansion enabled). |
return | string | Return ID. |
reference | string | Customer-facing return reference. |
completed | boolean | True for a completed return. |
changed | integer | Date of the most recent update to the return record, in milliseconds. |
changedValue | integer | Date of the most recent update to the return record, in milliseconds. (backward compatibility) |
changedInSeconds | integer | Date of the most recent update to the return record, in seconds. |
changedDisplay | string | Date of the most recent update to the return record, formatted for display based on the language in which the order was processed. |
live | boolean | False for returns on a test order. |
account | string | FastSpring-generated customer account ID. |
currency | string | 3 character ISO code of the return currency. |
payoutCurrency | string | 3 character ISO code of currency in which your disbursements are made. |
totalReturn | number | Total return amount. |
totalReturnDisplay | string | Total return amount, formatted for display in return.currency. |
totalReturnInPayoutCurrency | number | Total return amount, in the currency in which your disbursements are made. |
totalReturnInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Total return amount, formatted for display in the currency in which your disbursements are made. |
tax | number | Tax amount. |
taxDisplay | string | Tax amount, formatted to display in the transaction's currency. |
taxInPayoutCurrency | number | Tax amount in the your disbursement currency. |
taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Tax amount, formatted for display in your disbursement currency. |
subtotal | number | Return subtotal. |
subtotalDisplay | string | Return subtotal formatted for display. |
subtotalInPayoutCurrency | number | Return subtotal in your disbursement currency. |
subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Return subtotal formatted for display in your disbursement currency. |
totalRefundInPayoutCurrency | number | Total refund amount, in the currency in your disbursement currency. |
payment | object | Payment method used for the order, and the refund. |
type | string | Payment method used for the order. |
creditcard | string | Type of credit or debit card used for the order. |
cardEnding | string | Last four digits of the card number used for the order. |
bank | string | Type of bank transfer used to pay for the order. |
reason | string | Pre-defined return reason. This is selected when you process the return in the app. |
note | string | Comment or note entered while processing the return. |
original | object | Original order information. |
id | string | Internal order ID. |
order | string | Internal order ID. |
reference | string | Customer-facing order reference. |
account | string | FastSpring-generated customer account ID. |
currency | string | Currency of the original order. |
payoutCurrency | string | Disbursement currency, at the time of the order. |
total | number | Order total in the transaction's currency. |
totalDisplay | string | Order total, formatted for display in the transaction's currency. |
totalInPayoutCurrency | number | Order total in your disbursement currency. |
totalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Order total, formatted for display in your disbursement currency. |
tax | number | Tax amount. |
taxDisplay | string | Tax amount, formatted for display in the transaction's currency. |
taxInPayoutCurrency | number | Tax amount in your disbursement currency. |
taxInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Tax amount, formatted for display in your disbursement currency. |
subtotal | number | Order subtotal in the transaction's currency. |
subtotalDisplay | string | Order subtotal, formatted for display in the transaction's currency. |
subtotalInPayoutCurrency | number | Order subtotal in your disbursement currency. |
subtotalInPayoutCurrencyDisplay | string | Order subtotal, formatted for display in your disbursement currency. |
notes | string | Internal note(s) entered for the original order. |
customer | object | Information of the customer receiving the refund. |
first | string | Customer's first name. |
last | string | Customer's last name. |
string | Customer's email address. | |
company | string | Customer's company name. |
phone | string | Customer's phone number. |
items | array | On object for each product returned. For full contents, see Items Contents. |
Return Example:
"return": "xrWuQKxURT2PnrSvHt8HnQ",
"account": "gB_slATyQBqSpAxA7-1YAg",
"live": false,
"subscriptions": [
"subtractions": {
"tax": {
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0
"fastspring": {
"amount": 0,
"percentage": 0
"subtotal": -22.5,
"payouts": [
"payee": "yourexamplestore",
"currency": "USD",
"payout": "-22.50",
"totalReturn": "-22.50"