Create a New Quote


FastSpring sends the quote.created webhook each time you create a new quote in the FastSpring app. This does not apply to Interactive Quotes.

Contents of Event Payload

quote stringInternal ID of the quote.
quoteName stringName of the quote.
changed stringTime in which the quote was updated, in milliseconds.
changedInSeconds stringTime in which the quote was updated, in seconds.
changedDisplay stringDate in which the quote status changed.
changedTimeDisplay stringTime in which the quote status changed.
type stringType of quote that was generated: Self-Serve or Assisted.
updatedBy stringThe email address of the sales representative or seller who updated the quote.
reason stringSays "Quote Created".
creator stringThe email address of the sales representative or seller who created the quote.
quoteStatus stringThe current status of the quote. Possible values include:
language string2 character ISO code of the language associated with the quote.
quoteCurrency string3 character ISO code of the order currency.
quoteURL stringURL of the customer-facing quote.
account stringFastSpring-generated customer account ID.
coupon arrayThe Coupon ID applied to the quote.
total stringPrice total of the quote.
totalDisplay stringPrice total with currency.
tax stringTax amount of the quote.
taxDisplay stringTax amount with currency.
taxTypestringCountry-specific tax type
subtotal stringSubtotal price of the quote.
subtotalDisplay stringSubtotal price with currency.
discount stringTotal discount amount on the quote.
discountDisplay stringDiscount with currency.
recipient objectProspect information.
   firststringThe prospect’s first name.
   laststringThe prospect's last name.
   emailstringThe prospect’s email address.
   companystringThe company that the prospect associates with.
   phonestringThe prospect’s phone number.
   taxIDstringThe prospect’s tax ID (if applicable).
address objectThe prospect’s physical address.
fulfillmentSetting stringType of fulfillment associated with the quote.
notes stringExternal-facing notes on the quote.
tags objectTags associated with the quote.
items objectProducts included in the quote.
   productstringProduct path (product ID) of the product on the quote.
   quantitystringQuantity of the product on the quote.
   displaystringProspect-facing display name of the product.
   subtotalstringSubtotal of the specific item.
   subtotalDisplaystringSubtotal with currency.
   discountstringDiscount on particular item.
   discountDisplaystringDiscount with currency.


   "quoteName":"Quote for Company",
   "changedTimeDisplay":"00:16:32 UTC",
   "Reason":"Quote Created",
      "addressLine1":"123 Main St",
      "city":"SANTA BARBARA",
      "display":"123 Main St, SANTA BARBARA, California, 93101, US"
   "fulfillmentSetting":"ON PAYMENT",
   "notes":"Terms & Conditions of Sale",
         "display":"Active Product",