Resume a canceled subscription

By default, FastSpring deactivates canceled subscriptions on the next rebill date. Until that date, you can resume a subscription. Customers will be rebilled as if you never canceled it.

To resume a canceled subscription, your request must include the deactivation parameter with a value of null, like in the following example:

    "subscriptions": [
            "action": "subscription.update",
            "result": "success",
            "subscription": "OapmwBYlS8CE36nlo7Vm9w"

Error handling

If validation fails, you could get one of these responses:

            "action": "subscription.update",
            "subscription": "OapmwBYlS8CE36nlo7Vm9w",
            "result": "error",
            "error": {
              "uncancel": "Subscription is not active."

// You'll get this error if you try to uncancel a subscription that's already been deactivated.
        "action": "subscription.update",
        "result": "success",
        "subscription": "OapmwBYlS8CE36nlo7Vm9w"       

// You'll get this response if you try to uncancel a subscription that's not been canceled.

Omitting the deactivation parameter

If you omit "deactivation":nullfrom your request, FastSpring will return a success response, even though the subscription is still canceled:

         "subscription": "OapmwBYlS8CE36nlo7Vm9w"

// This request omits "deactivation":null.
    "subscriptions": [
            "action": "subscription.update",
            "result": "success",
            "subscription": "OapmwBYlS8CE36nlo7Vm9w"

// The response returns "result": "success", but the subscription is still canceled.
// Try again with "deactivation":null included in the request body.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!