Get all offers for a product by offer type

Retrieve product offers based on a specific product path and offer type.


  • product-path (Path Parameter): A unique identifier for the product, used in reporting, URLs, and APIs.
  • offer-type (Query Parameter): The type of offer to retrieve, categorized by when it's presented to customers:
    • During Initial Purchase (Checkout):
      • upsell: Encourages customers to purchase more expensive products.
      • downsell: Offers alternative products at a lower, more affordable price.
      • cross-sell: Provides offers for related or complementary products.
    • During Subscription Plan Management:
      • upgrade: Allows existing subscribers to move to a more advanced or feature-rich subscription plan.
      • crossgrade: Allows subscribers to switch to a different subscription plan with different features or pricing.
      • downgrade: Enables subscribers to switch to a subscription plan with fewer features or at a lower cost.
    • Available in Both Checkout and Subscription Management:
      • addon: Offers additional items to enhance the primary product or service.
      • alternatives: Displays eligible items that can substitute the current product or service.


The response contains information about various offer types presented as a JSON object with the following key elements:

  • products (Array): An array of product objects containing offer details for "offer-testing."

Each product object in the array contains the following key elements:

  • action: Indicates the action performed with this API request, in this case, "products.offers.get."
  • result: Specifies the result of the API request, typically "success" for successful requests.
  • product: The unique identifier of the product for which offers are retrieved ("offer-testing" in this case).
  • offers (Array): An array of offer objects, each describing a specific type of offer available for the product.

Offer Objects

The 'type' of offers included in the response can vary based on the configured offer types for the product. Only those offer types that have been configured will be present in the response.

  • type: Describes the type of offer.
  • display: Contains localized display information for the offer, providing a user-friendly label. (May be empty if not defined).
  • items (Array): Lists the product identifiers associated with the offer. These are the products that customers can choose when they select this offer.


Use Case: Get All Available Offers

    "products": [
            "action": "products.offers.get",
            "result": "success",
            "product": "basic",
            "offers": [
                    "type": "addon",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "Add-Ons"
                    "items": [
                    "type": "cross-sell",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "đź’ˇ Discover our complementary products to maximize your results."
                    "items": [
                    "type": "upsell",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "🚀 Take your experience to the next level with our premium plans."
                    "items": [
                    "type": "downsell",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "đź’° Save big with our budget-friendly option."
                    "items": [
                    "type": "downgrade",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "âś… Keep your subscription within budget without sacrificing quality."
                    "items": [
                    "type": "crossgrade",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "đź’ˇ Unlock new possibilities by including any of these items."
                    "items": [
                    "type": "upgrade",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "🚀 Supercharge your subscription with premium plans."
                    "items": [

Use Case: Get Multiple Related Offers

    "products": [
            "action": "products.offers.get",
            "result": "success",
            "product": "basic",
            "offers": [
                    "type": "cross-sell",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "đź’ˇ Discover our complementary products to maximize your results."
                    "items": [
                    "type": "upsell",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "🚀 Take your experience to the next level with our premium plans."
                    "items": [
                    "type": "downsell",
                    "display": {
                        "en": "đź’° Save big with our budget-friendly option."
                    "items": [
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!