Get unprocessed events

Retrieve missed webhook events. The API response will return all unprocessed events.

After you retrieve a missed event, you can mark it as processed by posting to the /events endpoint. The response will return up to 25 unique events. If there are more than 25 results, the return contains a "more" attribute.

You can specify the time range with the ?begin=unixtime&end=unixtime: and ?days=: modifiers.

// No begin or days specified
  "action": "events.get",
  "result": "error",
  "error": {
    "begin": "Begin required."

// Begin or days older than 30 days
  "action": "events.get",
  "result": "error",
  "error": {
    "begin": "Begin must be after '1488061077706' (Sat Feb 25 22:17:57 UTC 2017)."

// Begin time later than end time
  "action": "events.get",
  "result": "error",
  "error": {
    "begin": "Begin must be less than end."

// Unparseable values
  "action": "events.get",
  "result": "error",
  "error": {
    "begin": "Can not parse begin",
    "end": "Can not parse end."

    "days": "Can not parse days."

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!