Get a product price

Returns prices for a specific product, including product discount details

  "page": 1,
  "limit": 50,
  "nextPage": 2,
  "products": [
      "action": "product.price.get",
      "result": "success",
      "product": "example-subscription",
      "pricing": {
        "PR": {					//2 character country code for which the discounts apply
          "2": {
            "discountPercent": 5,
            "discountValue": 5,
            "discountValueDisplay": "$5.00",
            "unitPrice": 95,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "$95.00"
          "3": {
            "discountPercent": 10,
            "discountValue": 10,
            "discountValueDisplay": "$10.00",
            "unitPrice": 90,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "$90.00"
          "4": {
            "discountPercent": 15,
            "discountValue": 15,
            "discountValueDisplay": "$15.00",
            "unitPrice": 85,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "$85.00"
          "5": {
            "discountPercent": 25,
            "discountValue": 25,
            "discountValueDisplay": "$25.00",
            "unitPrice": 75,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "$75.00"
          "currency": "USD",
          "price": 100,
          "display": "$100.00",
          "quantityDiscount": null,
          "discountReason": {
            "en": "2023 Yearly Sale"
          "discountPeriodCount": "null",
          "available": {
            "start": "2023-01-01 00:00",
            "end": "2023-12-31 23:30"
          "setupFeePrice": "10.0,",
          "setupFeePriceDisplay": "$10.00",
          "setupFeeReason": {
            "en": "Setup Fee"
        "DE": {					//2 character country code for which the discounts apply			
          "2": {
            "discountPercent": 5,
            "discountValue": 4.5,
            "discountValueDisplay": "4,50 €",
            "unitPrice": 85,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "85,50 €"
          "3": {
            "discountPercent": 10,
            "discountValue": 9,
            "discountValueDisplay": "9,00 €",
            "unitPrice": 81,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "81,00 €"
          "4": {
            "discountPercent": 15,
            "discountValue": 13.5,
            "discountValueDisplay": "13,50 €",
            "unitPrice": 76.5,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "76,50 €"
          "5": {
            "discountPercent": 25,
            "discountValue": 22.5,
            "discountValueDisplay": "$22.50",
            "unitPrice": 67.5,
            "unitPriceDisplay": "$67.50"
          "currency": "EUR",
          "price": 90,
          "display": "90,00 €",
          "quantityDiscount": null,
          "discountReason": {
            "en": "2023 Yearly Sale"
          "discountPeriodCount": "null",
          "available": {
            "start": "2023-01-01 00:00",
            "end": "2023-12-31 23:30"
          "setupFeePrice": "11.0,",
          "setupFeePriceDisplay": "12,00 €",
          "setupFeeReason": {
            "en": "Setup Fee"
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