Generates a subscription report

Use /data/v1/subscription to generate a subscription report. You can apply filters on Date range, Country name, Product Name, and Product path. For each of these filtered variables, you can define the columns to be included and how you would like to group results to generate reports and serve your unique business needs.

Report Columns

These columns can be included in the reportColumns field. Some of these columns can be used to group the data by including column names in the groupBy field.

Column NameDescriptionUsed to group results (groupBy)
activationsNumber of activations in the selected period of timeNo
arrCumulative Annual Run Rate until the endDate selected.No
average_mrrCumulative Average Monthly Recurring Revenue until the endDate selected.No
buyer_emailBuyer’s email addressYes
buyer_idUnique ID for the buyer’s ordersYes
cancellationsNumber of cancelations in the selected period of timeNo
chargeback_true_falsetrue - This order was charged backed

false - Successful order
chum_typeChurn type when canceled, if not null.Yes
company_idThe sellers uniqueIDYes
company_nameThe sellers nameYes
country_isoThe 2 Letter ISO country codeYes
country_nameThe English name for the countryYes
couponThe coupon codeYes
customer_churnSum of subscriber loss over the prior 30 days divided by the active customers 30 days agoNo
discountThe amount of the discountYes
driving_offer_typeThe related offer type
driving_product_pathThe parent product pathYes
lifetime_valueThe AVG MRR divided by the customer churn (percentage)No
mrrCumulative Monthly Recurring Revenue until the endDate selected.No
mrr_decreaseMRR decreaseNo
mrr_downgradeMRR from Downgrades from the last 30 days (if grouping by date)

MRR from Downgrades in the timeframe selected (if grouping by anything else)
mrr_growth_rate(MRR for the current day - MRR 30 days ago)/ MRR 30 days agoNo
mrr_increaseMRR Increase from the last 30 days (if grouping by date)

MRR Increase in the timeframe selected (if grouping by anything else)
mrr_pausedMRR from Pauses from the last 30 days (if grouping by date)

MRR from Pauses in timeframe selected (if grouping by anything else)
mrr_resumedMRR from Resumes from the last 30 days (if grouping by date)

MRR from Resumes in timeframe selected (if grouping by anything else)
mrr_upgradeMRR from Upgrades from the last 30 days (if grouping by date)

MRR from Upgrades in timeframe selected (if grouping by anything else)
new_subscribersNew subscribers in the selected period of timeNo
occurred_dateDate of the subscriptionYes
order_idOrder idYes
product_display_nameThe product display nameYes
product_idThe internal product idYes
product_nameThe product nameYes
product_pathThe primary key for the productYes
purchase_typeFirst or Recurring (renewal)Yes
return_true_falsetrue - Returned

false - normal sale
revenue_churnSum of MRR decrease over the prior 30 days divided by the MRR 30 days agoNo
segmentDivides products/countries into groups with common characteristics defined by the sellerYes
store_idThe store idYes
store_nameThe store nameYes
subscriber_lossSubscribers lost in the selected period of timeNo
subscribersCumulative number of Subscribers until the endDate selected.No
subscription_idUnique identifier of the subscriptionYes
subscription_periodThe subscription lengthYes
subscription_period_endThe subscription period endYes
subscription_period_startThe subscription period startYes
subscription_quantitySubscription units quantity from order createdNo
subscription_start_dateThe subscription start dateYes
subscription_statusThe subscription statusYes
subscription_true_falsetrue - subscription product

false - normal one time product
subscriptionsCumulative number of Subscriptions until selected endDate.No
sync_dateLast updateYes
transaction_currencyThe currency of this orderYes
transaction_dateThe date of the orderYes
transaction_dayThe day-month of the subscription transactionYes
transaction_monthThe month of the transaction.Yes
transaction_time_utcThe time of the subscription transaction in UTC timezoneYes
transaction_yearThe year of the transactionYes
Body Params
array of strings
array of strings
1 to 1000
≥ 0
array of strings
