• Improved Japanese translations
  • Enabled responsive popup cart by default and removed the “beta” tag
  • Removed product level discount display during quote creation but still show during quote overview
  • Fixed an issue where some coupon codes resulted in completion pages not being shown
  • Fixed an issue in which some subscriptions in the account management portal showed the wrong date
  • Fixed an issue in which some long license strings were not wrapping properly in order completion and the account management portal
  • Fixed display issues with subscriptions related to pricing and upcoming payments
  • Fixed an issue with the “Move to another customer” function
  • Fixed an issue where the buyer quotes webhook was incorrectly sending “live: true” in test mode
  • Fixed the pricing-service tax cache
  • Fixed an issue where order.completed coupon details weren’t returned properly
  • Fixed an issue where where fastspring.builder.recognizeRecipients was blocked by an external tool for some users
  • Fixed an issue where subscription renewals wouldn’t include product-level discounts on some orders
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Tax ID link to disappear on some quotes in checkout
  • Corrected Swedish translations
  • Fixed an issue where some trial users were able to select a payment method erroneously
  • Fixed an issue where some Canadian orders were giving an invalid city name on some orders
  • Fixed alignment and typos of some text in web storefront and settings
  • Fixed an issue where the zip code field only accepted numbers for some orders in popup checkout
  • Fixed an issue where rebill information was incorrect on some subscriptions
  • Fixed an issue with some payment methods in popup and embedded checkouts
  • Fixed formatting for entries related to paused subscriptions
  • Fixed an issue where text was missing from the verify refund button on the classic platform.
  • Fixed an issue where discounts were being applied twice in some edge cases.
  • Fixed an issue creating duplicate orders when using coupons.
  • Fixed an issue where US tax IDs weren’t editable on some subscriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where the zip code field only accepted numbers for some orders.
  • Fixed an issue where some prorated subscriptions were displaying inaccurate numbers.
  • Fixed an issue where the Offers API allowed offers to be applied to ineligible products.
  • Fixed an issue with some Card transactions failing in India.
  • Fixed an issue with errors in taxation on quotes.
  • Fixed an issue affecting some buyers in Belgium.
  • Fixed an issue affecting dunning on some subscriptions.
  • Fixed an issue affecting some orders in Canada.
  • Fixed an issue where wire transfer information wasn’t included in some invoices.

Trial Hopping Prevention

Sellers on the FastSpring platform are now able to prevent users from signing up for multiple trials with the same email. This feature also encourages users to convert to a paid plan. Check out our documentation!